Chapter 8

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The whole day passed by in a whirl, with Dean not paying attention to anything or anyone. He was so distracted that Sam got over his anger just to start worrying about Dean. Nrmally Dean would count this as a win, but Castiel had, clearly, messed with his head. He doesn't remember what happened after Chemistry. Heck, he doesn't remember what happened after the first five miutes of Chemistry.

And before he even knew it, it was night and time for bed. Or atleast Sam said so. It, obviously, caused Sam to worry more when Dean actually listened to him. But he refrained from whining incase he had to dodge another punch from his big brother.

Dean laid on his bed, tossing and turning for a long time, just thinking about Castiel. Everytime he closed his eyes, he could see Castiel's clear blue eyes. He could see the other boy's face, so perfect that it had to be sculpted by God himself. His mind wandered to Castiel's lips and he imagined himself kissing those lips. Would Castiel's lips be soft or hard? Smooth or broken? How would Castiel's stubble feel against his cheek?

Dean shuddered at his thoughts and he knew that he was hard.He tried to stop thinking about Castiel but his traitorous mind would not allow it. He struggled, but surrendered to his mind. He bit his lip, slowly pulling up the waistband of his pants and slid his hand inside.

He waited, hoping that Sam was asleep. The soft snores reassured him that Sam was fast asleep. He slowly started stroking himself, imagining his hand to be Castiel's. He arched up, leaning into his own touch. He could hear Castiel's low voice call his name, whispering filthy things in his ear.

He moved his hand faster, feeling the heat pool up in his stomach. He imagined Castiel's lips kissing his chest, his bare stomach, all while stroking him. The bare thought of castiel above him with his lips on Dean's stomach and hands inside Dean's pants sent him over the edge.

Dean bit his lip hard, stifling his ry as he came. He let the orgasm pass, breathing heavily. He removed his sticky hand and went to clean up. Just before sliding back into bed, he sneaked a glance at Sam, who was still sleeping soundly. Dean smiled, thankful that Sam hadn't heard his nightly activities.


Dean groaned over his breakfast, the simple sandwich that Sam had whipped up.

"Don't complain." John grunted at Dean, hungover. Even the sightest sound would probably be loud to him. Dean frowned, angrily. He wasn't complaining about the food. Pigs would fly the day he complained about Sam's heavenly sandwiches. But John wouldn't know that now, would he?

The main reason for Dean's grumpiness was his dream. He couldn't remember much but he knew that it was about Castiel. He also knew that they had shared a chick flick moment. Dean Winchester did not do chck flick moments. No sir. Not even in his dreams.

"Hey grumpy, c'mon!" Dean glared at his brother, getting the keys for his baby.

The ride to school was filled with Sam trying to get Dean to talk about his 'feelings' and Dean blasting Black Sabbath till Sam got the message. As Dean parked the Impala, he spotted Castiel standing with his brothers. The sight of him sent a blush to Dean's cheeks. Last night's events still clear in his mind.

He headed in the direction of the Novaks, shaking his head at his overenthusiastic brother.

"Hello Dean." Dean shivered at Castiel's voice. He nodded at the Novaks, smiling slightly.

"Dean-o! Sam tells me that you've been PMSing since today morning. Did you take your pill?" Gabe asked cheekily. Dean rolled his eyes, making a mental note to kill his brother later.

"Gabe, you very well know that Dean cannot menstruate." Dean stared incredulously at Castiel as Gabe, Balthazar, Lucifer and Sam burst out laughing.

"What did I say?" Ths lead to another round of laughter, with Dean still staring at Castiel.

"Are you picking on Cas, again?" Anna appeared out of nowhere and dragged Castiel away.

And before Dean could even comprehend what was happening, he was being dragged by Sam into the school. 

Thank you for reading! Sorry if, um, the 'touching' scene wasn't so good. I suck at those stuff. Anywayy, reviews are strawberry covered Jared :3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2012 ⏰

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