Chapter 7

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I am so sorry about putting this out so late. I had written it but I found no time to post. moving on, enjoy ^_^


Dean looked at his brother's hunched form at the table. Sam had refused to speak to him that moment when Dean had confessed that he wasn't too fond of Castiel, this morning. Sam had, of course, gone to the defence of his friend who he claimed that Dean didn't know and that he was judging Castiel. This had inturn lead to an arguement, but Dean still didn't tell sam about the 'incident'. He didn't want Sam to lose friends because of him. So they fought, which lead to the present situation.

"C'mon Sammy. We're gonna be late."

"Like you care." came a mumbled thought as Sam walked out the front door. Dean sighed, he had enough o his plate, he did not need an angry Sam to add to the list. Dean grabbed his keys from the hook and walked after Sam.

He started his baby and began driving along the road that he had come to know so well.

"Any unfinished homework, Sammy? You probably need to butter up some of those ol' ladies?" Dean asked, in an effort to lighten the momentThis would've normally lead to friendly banter among the brothers. But today, his only response was stony silence. 

He tried saying other stuff that he knew would irk his brother, but he got no response. He sighed sadly and turned his attention to the road. He put an AC/DC cassete tape and started rocking out to Highway To Hell. And considering how his morning had started, he was definitely going to hell.


Dean walked the hallway alone, sulking. He hadn't spotted anyone outside so he supposed that they were lazing around near Jo's locker, their hangout spot between classes. Sam had run off with some random friend of his. It was his luck that Castiel wasn't there, he wouldn't, no, he still didn't know how to deal with Castiel if he saw him.

"Hey, Dean!' he turned around to find Gabe dragging a blonde along with him.

"This is Balthazar! Also known as Balthie!" He exclaimed, cheerfully. Dean looked at Balthazar who extended an arm in greeting.

"Hi, I'm Balthazar. I'm thinking you're Dean." Dean stared at the blonde haired, blue eyed boy. He could see the similarity between him and Castiel, both their eyes were peircing blue. But Dean knew, that Castiel's was sighly more light than Balthazar's. Then he noticed the accent.

"You're British?" He asked, surprised. Balthazar shrugged.

"I was sent to a boarding school there, picked up on the accent."

"And it is a huge help with the ladies." Gabe and Balthazar shard a high-five while Dean chuckled.

"Now that the intros are over, a little birdie told me that young Sammy is upset with his big brother cause he blew us off yesterday." Gabe exclaimed, still cheerfully. Dean stared at him appehensively. He seemed cheerful but Dean had an inkling that if he were to ever get onto Gabe's bad side, his life would be hell.

"Yeah...I, uh, I had to do some homework....I didn't mean to blow you, uh, you guys off...." His excuse seemed pathetic to his own ears. Fortunately, Gabe seemed fine with it.

"I, however, need to know what you did to Castiel." Dean blushed at Balthazar's statement, not that he would ever admit it.

"Err....what did I do to Castiel?"

"He hated you, but now he seems to like you. Why is that?" Balthazar and Gabe had identical cheeky smiles on their faces.

"Umm....because of Sam?" Dean's mind buzzed with possiblities. He shrugged them away, knowing that they weren't true.

"Oh, I don't think so. We'll see you later." Saying so, the Novak brothers walked way.

Dean gritted his teeth at their teasing and walked towards Jo's locker, mumbling all the way. he found his friends just as the bell rang. Chuck managed to somehow convince Dean to not ditch Chemistry.

He found himsef sitting next to an empty seat, which he knew was for Castiel. The more he thought about him, Dean knew that he was developing a crush on the blue eyed boy, but he was also sure that Castiel wasn't gay. If he was, he would probably be in the closet forever. Dean's thoughst were interuppted by someone calling his name.

"Hello Dean." The gravelly voice of castiel sent shivers down Dean's back. He looked up into Castiel's eyes, lost in them. The on thing he wasn't sure of was whether he was drowing in the sea or if he was falling from the sky.

'Dean, are you alright?" Dean looked away from the concerened eyes, a light blush convering his cheecks. He mumbled saying that he was alright as Castiel took his place next to Dean.He refused to even look at the boy, knowing that he would do something stupid.

"Is something wrong, Dean? Did I offend you?"

"Wh-what?" Dean whipped his head so fast, he was sure he strained a muscle. "why would you think that?!"

"You did run yesterday and you are, or rather were refusing to look at me." Realisation dawned on Dean, he mentally hit himself. He now had no choice but to talk to Castiel.

" to, um, had to do some, er, homework." Dean mumbled, again his excuse sounding inadequate. Castiel simply looked at him.

"I don't believe that's the case."

"Yeah...I mean no! No! That is the case!" Dean said, panicking. Castiel was, now, smiling at him.

"Do not judge me, Dean Winchester. I am not who you think I am." Saying so, Castiel started working on the experiment leaving no time for Dean to ask him anything.

Dean, who should have been paying attention, slacked off the whole hour just thinking about what Castiel said. His mind came up with many, many logical answers, but his heart kept whispering that maybe, just maybe Castiel had a little crush on him too....

Hope you liked it! Once again, sorry for the long wait! Reviews are a chocolate covered Misha :3

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