Chapter 5

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Dean groaned at the feel of the soft kisses pressed along his neck. He let his arms roam all over the naked chest that was above him, smiling when he heard the other man moan in pleasure. 

"Cas!" Dean gasped as he felt his neck getting bitten. Cas smiled and started kissing Dean along his neck to his belly button. Dean groaned and pulled the other man up, kissing him harshly. It was a tussle of teeth tongues and moans till they both pulled back to breath.

Dean looked at the face above his. Cas was beautiful. No other word could describe him. His blue eyes seemed even more blue, when clouded by lust. Dean understood now, why he was known as na angel. Cas was as pure and perfect as an angel.

Cas smiled and trailed his finger along Dean's naked chest. Dean moaned and started thursting upwards to gain more friction. He could feel himself getting harder with each thrust.

Dean woke up, drenched in sweat. He shook his head, trying to get back to reality. Once he was wide awake, he sneaked a look at the clock. It was 6:30. Dean groaned, softly, at the prospect of getting up so early. He slowly got up and tiptoed his way to the bathroom. He sneaked one look at Sam's snoring form before he shut the door.

Dean took his boxers off and directly went to the shower. He let the cold water run all over his body, relishing the feel. His thoughts, then drifted to his dream. He sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

He liked the dream. Of course, he did. Every teenager had the right to enjoy a wet dream. It was the fact that Castiel was present made him want to hate the dream. He tried thinking of why Castiel appeared in his dream, he came with no answers. It's not like he liked that snobbish bastard. who hated a guy just cause he bumped into you? Snobbish bastards, that's who!

"Dean!" Sam's whiny voice pulled Dean out of his thoughts.

"What Sammy?" Dean asked, knowing exactly what Sam wanted.

"Dean, open the door! I have to pee!" Dean smirked at the urgency in Sam's voice.

"Can you wait for a minute, Sammy? I'm kinda doing something here." Dean stiffled his laughs, somehow managing to sound innocent.

"Dean, open the damn door or I swear I'll----" Sam's threat was cut off as Dean unlocked the door. Sam rushed in and Dean walked away, chuckling, letting Sam do his business.

Dean walked to the kitchen and poured out some cereal for Sam and himself. He pulled out a chair and started eating. Sam came down 5 minutes later, looking all prepped and ready for school. Dean rolled his eyes at the sight in front of him. How someone could looks o exicted for school, he would never understand. the same he didn't understand how Sam was his brother.

"Dad's hungover again?" Sam asked, knwoing what the answer would be. Dean snorted.

"When is he not, Sammy?" 

They eat the rest of their breakfast in silence.

---------------------TIME LAPSE--------------------------------------------------------

Dean shut off the engine of the Impala and got out of his car. He looked around hoping to see Ash or any of the others. But as fate would have it, he spotted only Castiel and 'Gabe' among the throng of high school students. He rolled his eyes as Sam screamed for them and ran their way.

He let his eyes wander over Castiel and blushed as he remembered his dream. He scrowled, trying to forget but it just wasn't happening.

He watched as his brother finally reached his friends. His hands gesturing animatedly. His eyes then travelled to Castiel. He stood, frozen. Castiel was staring, no, glaring at him. He gulped, Castiel's eyes looked as though he knew. He knew about the dream that Dean had. The thought frightened Dean even more, as he stood transfixed to the spot.

A tugging on his sleeve made him tears his eyes away from Castiel and into the black of Pamela's sunglasses. Dean instantly relaxed, blaming the earlier feeling on the sun.

"Hey, Pam." Dean grinned at the brunette.

"Well, sorry to break you out of the staring match 'tween you and your angel over there but the bell just rang. we have to go now." Ash's voice drawled as Dean glared at him.

They walked towards class, but Dean's mind was still preoccupied with Castiel and his bright, blue eyes.


Sorry about the short chapter. Next chapter will be longer. I promise :3

Reviews are chocolate ice creams <3

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