4. The "Normal" Room

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"Your father is.....my father..." I was so confused at this point.

"What?" I let go of Anti.

"Your mother and my father met at a meeting in the underworld. They had a one night stand, and you were born." Dark explained, carefully choosing his words.

"So....I'm your.....half sister?" My mind was swarming with questions and thoughts, but only one question struck out to me. "Why did you try to come in the shower with me?" My face a mixture of disgusted, angry, upset, etc.

"When my father found out that you were his child, he got all happy. And....that's because I was his only son, and he wanted a daughter, for....reasons..."

"Tell me." I pressured on.

"Demons are to wed their siblings. Demons are hunting you down so we can wed." I gasped.

"What? I......NO! IM WAITING TO MARRY THE ONE!" I screamed. A cloud of sadness washed over Dark.

"So Im not the one..." He sulked out of the room.

"No Dark! I meant....I just met you like, 3 days ago!" He shrugged.


"C...can I get like...medical attention here?!" Anti half screamed, still holding his neck.

"Right!" Dark yelled and teleported Anti to Hell. "STAY here." He said, and he was gone.

I sat in my room for hours and they still didn't come back. I decided to leave. I didn't know where I was and still didn't understand why I was there. I just grabbed my phone and coat, and walked out.

Dark and Anti lived on a street, a normal looking street. There were people buzzing through, cars wisping by, and little stores everywhere. I decided to go into a little store and get a map.

"Excuse me," I asked the clerk. "Where can I find the maps?" She pointed to the back of the store and I quickly walked back and grabbed one. Dark and Anti would be back anytime now.

I paid and left the store. I opened the map up and followed my way back to the city I lived in. Surprisingly, it wasn't that far away. Walking distance at least. I opened the door to my apartment and walked through, bumping into something. Or someone.

"We knew you'd try to run away." Dark grabbed the collar of my shirt and we teleported back.

"Damnit." I sighed and walked into my room.

"Y/N, this is for your own good!" Dark called up the stairs. I ignored him.

After a couple hours I got bored, and decided to look more around the upstairs. There was only one room that I hadn't been inside yet.

I walked in, being sure that Dark and Anti we're downstairs somewhere. The room was a normal looking bedroom, except for the fact that there was only a bed and a desk with a computer on it. I opened the computer.

It turned on, and I put in my normal information so that I logged on to my account. I clicked on YouTube and saw that Markiplier was doing a live stream. I clicked and watched gratefully.

"No! Jump, jump!" Mark screamed. I laughed. Mark looked around him and into the camera. "Oh God. Oh no oh no. Guys I'm sorry I forgot to check the time. I got to go, bu-bye!" It said he ended the Live stream but I still saw him. "Dark what are you doing?!" He screamed into the camera.

"Dark?" I asked. "My name is Y/N. Darks downstairs." Mark gasped, and stuck his hand through. THROUGH THE SCREEN. He pulled me into his room. "What. The. Fuck." I said.

"Don't ask. Are you alright? Did Dark hurt you?" He checked my arms for scratches but I looked like a porcilin doll.

"No. But he tried to get into the shower with me." I shrugged. Mark laughed in relief and helped me downstairs.

"Help yourself to anything you'd like. I'll be down in a sec." He went back into his recording room and I was alone.

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