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"i just don't understand them, there's nothing appealing to me about sitting in an audience for three hours watching some lady sing on stage." poe dameron whined, continuing to complain to his mother over the phone as she tried to convince him to go to a musical with her.

"you're so stubborn, hijo." she said, tired of bantering with her son. "i'm expecting you to be at the theatre tomorrow at eight, and if you aren't there, i'm setting the dogs loose on you." she kiddingly threatened.

"b.b. will have my back." he said confidently. "right, buddy?" he said, looking down at his small orange dog. b.b-8 wagged his tail in response. "besides, i'm not stubborn. just sure-minded."

"goodnight, mi hijo. be good." she said, hanging up.

poe sighed, putting his phone down and staring out his apartment window. he looked down into the streets of new york from his apartment on the 15th floor, watching the cars and busses and people pass by in a universal hurry.

he focused back in on his laptop and looked up the title of the play that was being performed tomorrow at eight.

"oh my god," he exclaimed. "'The Struggle'? really?" he said to b.b-8, as if he could understand poe. "that's the most pretentious thing i've ever heard of! i don't even need to look at the rest of this to know that i'll hate it!" he announced to his empty apartment.

maybe he was a little stubborn.


poe left his apartment and breathed in the warm summer city air, stopping to let himself be surrounded by the city before starting off in the direction of broadway.

he loved living here; the chaos of the city made him feel a little better about the chaos of his own life. the hustle of the city made him feel like he wasn't alone in his hectic lifestyle.

he passed by the entrance to the underground train station, preferring the walk in the warm city, blanketed by the glowing light of the sunset that spread over new york.

poe arrived at the theatre, taking his seat with his mother and settling down in the mildly uncomfortable seat he was given. he browsed his phone while waiting for the show to start, occasionally sparking conversation with his mother about the show.

"what is this thing about, exactly?" poe asked his mother, a tone of uncertainty in his voice.

"you'll see, poe." she said, becoming aggravated with her ungrateful son. "i took you here for a reason." she said, and as if on cue, the lights in the theatre dimmed and spotlights pointed to the stage.

poe sighed, shutting off his phone and shoving his hands into his pocket. the curtains pulled back, revealing several actors standing in a yellow-tinted spotlight, with a rainbow background. poe leaned forward, attempting to get a better look at one of the male actors.

he was medium-height, his dark skin barely peeking through the bright yellow mask covering his face. the man in the yellow mask dramatically pulled the hood off of his head, revealing short, buzzed hair. poe's heart was starting to beat of his chest already, until the man started singing.

poe could feel his face get hot as the man bellowed out a strikingly beautiful song, but for the life of him, poe couldn't focus on what it was about. sweat beaded at his forehead as poe watched the man's adam's apple bob, his voice jumping octaves like it was nothing.

poe would notice throughout acts that the musical was about the journey of a gay black man during the eighties, who would wear the yellow mask during pride parades in los angeles in order to hide his identity. poe understood why his mother took him here, although he wondered if she knew that poe would find the lead actor incredibly fascinating.

the play ended, the actors bowing on the edge of the stage. poe watched in wonder as the actor smiled under his yellow cover and walked off with his costars. he applauded, wide eyed, completely flustered by the performance he saw before him.

"¿eh, hijo? was it good?" his mother asked, but he was too stunned to ask.

he had to know who the man in the yellow mask was.

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