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"woah, alright, let's slow down here." rey's voice came through finn's perplexing thoughts like a ray of light. "you're telling me that you want to search the streets of new york city, tonight, when it is currently..." she paused, looking down at her phone. "11:45 pm, just to hope to find this fool?"

"he wasn't a fool, rey! he was..." finn's mind raced for the right words. nothing he had ever seen or heard could describe the man he had seen in the crowd last night.

"hot?" she asked, her motherly tone still kicked in.

"no! well, yea, but... more than that!" finn exclaimed. "pleaasee, rey? you're my ultimate wingman!"

rey sighed. "fine. and, for the record?" she said, standing up dramatically and swinging her tan jacket over her shoulder.

"it's wing-woman." she said as if on stage.

finn laughed, standing up from his tall studio chair and getting his jacket on.

they were gonna find this mysterious hot man if it meant combing the entire city themselves.


"b.b, lets slow down." poe said, pulling back softly on the leash that his rambunctious corgi was attached to. he stopped on a bench in a park where the city became muted; a section in the middle of chaos where one could find some peace. poe's dog rested at his feet as poe struck up a cigarette, taking a drag and exhaling, watching the white smoke curl up into the trees above him. as he took another drag, the bushes across from him rustled.

he looked up, watching the bush carefully. his dog watched equally as intrigued, his ears perked as the bush ceased to move. his heart raced, terrified of whatever might have been lurking around the park at night.

"b.b-8... let's go." he said quietly, getting up and leaving. he walked nervously out of the park and back out onto the street.


"wow, nice going finn! you scared him away!" rey hissed, a branch sticking into her side.

"it wasn't my fault! i slipped!" he said back, holding up his hand, completely covered in soft mud.

rey paused, look back out to the entrance which the man had left in. "are you sure that was him?" she said, turning back to her hopelessly in love friend.

finn stared ahead. "i'm positive."

the man in the yellow mask - finnpoeWhere stories live. Discover now