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In a hidden world, four respective kingdoms exist

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In a hidden world, four respective kingdoms exist. These kingdoms used to unite against Aveon, an island of demons. Aveon was defeated, still the bond between kingdoms are strong. Despite of their differences, the major kingdoms share the same mission - to protect Froia.

Many years later, the existence of the Dark Dragons in Dragona caused the bond between kingdoms to fade. The four kingdoms of Dragona had been corrupted and had spread their demonic powers to them.

It was stopped when Queen Dra, a dark dragon, was defeated by Draiga, a dragon princess of the Fire Dragon Kingdom. Draiga then became their queen. She returned the bond between the major kingdoms: Dragona, Aereon, Sapphireon and Oceanadia. She was not married, but she remained a good queen to Dragona.

While there was peace in Froia, dark dragons then rose again. They form a revolt against Draiga. The Dark Dragons became more powerful that they had murdered Draiga by poisoning her.

The other kingdom, who didn't know about Draiga's death, sent a messenger to Dragona to invite her for a feast. The dark dragons imitated Draiga and went to Aereon, the kingdom of Wizards. The fraud showed killed the Council that it caused a war between Dragona and Aereon. Because the Holy Council think that Dragona is too powerful, they seek help from other kingdoms: Oceanadia and Sapphireon. The three kingdoms defeated Dragona and left it to ruins.

Several years had passed, a nymph light priestess sees a young dragon princess that could change the fate of Dragona. It was told that she will defeat the remaining dark dragons.

The remaining fire dragons hid in a cave after their kingdom was left to ruins, led by the last royal fire dragon, Princess Draiaga. There a princess was born and was named Marysse. She and her older brother, Nathan grew up in the cave and as years goes by, their people could tell that the siblings are the reincarnation the deceased siblings of their mother, Draigon and Draiga.

The queen and her people would make sure that their kingdom is safe for her family and kind, but they didn't knew that dark dragons had risen again and are ready to attack. The young dragon princess was ten when the dark dragons discovered their cave kingdom and attacked it.

The queen was able to keep her children to safety and stayed to fight with the dark dragons. Unfortunately, she didn't make it. Only Nathan and Marysse were able to escape with the help of their mother's trusted knight, Sean. Nathan, at age thirteen, raised his sister with his girlfriend's, Moira, help.


"Is it necessary to leave the camp, brother?" asked the thirteen year old, Marysse. Her brother was packing their things. She looked at her brother's girlfriend, Moira. Moira went to her and patted her head. "We are going to Aereon," she said, smiling. "- where you'll be safe," her brother added. "Sean could be right about what he saw and I don't want to die without keeping you alive."

She was only looking at her brother passing back and forth, packing their stuff. "After I take you and Moira to Aereon, I will come back here and attack the dark dragons before they could attack us first like what they did two years ago."

"If it's to keep me safe and you staying here, I'd rather die!" she yelled. "Mother died for keeping us safe and I don't want that to happen to you! If you're only going to take me to Aereon and leave me there, I'm not coming with you. I will fight with you!" Tears ran down on her cheeks. Her brother approached her and hugged her. Then they decided to live in Aereon and will never go back to Dragona.

"I heard there is a school in Aereon," Nathan said as they flew through the forest. "You are going to study there, Marysse. I know you will be safe there."

"What's the name of the school, Nathan?" Moira asked.

"Schiller Light Academy."

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