Mate Number 1

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You gasp awake. "S-shit..." You sit up, running a hand through your hair. "What....happened last night?" You shift to look at the clock. .....3:40.....3:40!!! You quickly change and grab a snack as you race out to the studio. "Rafes gonna kill me!"
~Some time later~
You walk into the studio. "Please Rafe don't be-""Paying attention to if one of my students is late as fuck? Fat chance." You slowly turned to face Rafe.
Rafe's staring at you, pissed to where his creamy mocha skin stood out along his veins, his muscles bulging through his shirt, his brown eyes staring angrily behind the tousled black curls of his hair. "Care to explain, Y/N?" You sigh. "Rafe..." "It's Rafael, Y/N." "I overslept today and I was going to call but I was already late and class had already started." You look down. "I'm sorry."
You hear nothing as your gaze remains on the floor until you hear.... "Whatever. Don't apologize. My class is serious but it's your money wasted here. Anyway, the class is almost over but I'm staying behind again. So you'll stretch for the remainder of the class and you can practice with me afterwards." You are confused but you need the practice. "Alright." You nod.
He turns and gestures to the studio room. "You first." You follow his directions and walk forward. You feel his eyes trained on you but you don't make eye contact. He smirks. "Also, you should be more careful about the tightness of what you wear to class. Unless you enjoy showing your ass off to everyone and risking circulation blocks." Your face heats up but you keep walking.
As you walk into the class, everyone is looking at you with looks of surprise and confusion. One speaks up. "You're late and you were still let in to the class. How?" You notice his raised eyebrow and challenging sneer. You can't answer. But Rafe quickly cuts in sternly. "What happens with another student is none of your business to begin with. You should be worrying about working on your form and grace when attempting Kizomba." The colleague immediately silenced and looked away red. Rafael nods at everyone else. "Well done today, ladies and gentlemen. You're making a lot of progress. Keep going and you'll be trained dancers in no time. See you all next week." Soon everyone leaves except for you and Rafael. He sighs. "I'll go change. You can finish stretching while I do so."
He exits and you continue to stretch. "Well done, Y/N. Even Rafe's acting off from tardiness.." "Yeah well it's more that discipline is a lesson for you to improve on." He appears having changed from a tee shirt to a tank top. "And dance is able to teach anyone discipline." He stands taller. "Allow me to show you." He pulls you up to join him standing the linoleum floor and presses play on the stereo. "You're the student who practiced tango with Eren. So, for now as your partner, we'll begin first form. Alright?" You nod and step forward extending a hand to him.
He smirks, grabbing your hand and pulling you by the waist against his chest. "You should learn to trust me, Y\N." He leads in a slow step guiding you along easily, his eyes trained on you with a strange emotion in his eyes. You smirk. "Rafe, is that all you got?" "Hmm. No I suppose not.." He yanks you close enough to whisper in your ear. "..I just wanted to show you mercy, dear Y/N."
He grabs your waist hard and squeezes your hand as he speeds up almost instantly. You falter, almost tripping before catching your footing and syncing with his motion. Within seconds, you move in perfect sync and harmony, coaxing and perfecting each other further. You look into his eyes. The unknown emotion is now known.. Mesmerized. Hypnotized. And drawn into the unity. You put in more effort, twirling faster and faster, until the music ends. Rafe grabs you and dips, both of you panting for breath.
Even after recovering, neither of you say a word. "See I told you.. Dance teaches discipline...among other things." He stares down at you, slowly tilting your face up. "Strange. I wonder, Y/N..." His lips brush yours in the smallest kiss. "I wonder...if after only one dance and only one kiss, you taught me something else." He kisses you again, harder. "....mmm..." He lets go and looks away. "I.... I need to go. Practice is over for today. And well done, I guess."
As you grab your bag, you notice his ears and the visible side of his face are redder than usual. "Rafael.." "..just call me Rafe, alright? And be on time tomorrow. Lateness won't be tolerated too much more often." You nod. He nods back. "Let's go. I need to lock up."
Felicity:So, wanna see moooooore?
Y/N: Yeah... L-let's uh...see my other options before I m-make my decision. *blushes a little*
Felicity: Alright. Let's keep going then!

Awwwwwww! I love good tsunderes!! They're so perfeeect.

And uh, if you want a song to think of during the dance scenes, try that Eros song used in Katsuki Yuri's performance for Yuri on Ice.

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