Mate Number 3

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[Felicity: Hi there, Reader-chan/-kun. Just letting you know that in this vision, you've already become in the least bit attracted to this soul.

       "Y/N. Please come here. Now." You walk in to the lavish rec room, uniform plain, clean, and tidy. "Yes, Master Livinsi."
       "Please, Y/N. It's Orion. I thought you'd be willing to say my first name, if it means I can notice you." He rises from an expensive and ornate chair, his pale blue shirt creased as he unbuttons it five buttons. "Oh no, Y/N. My shirt's not buttoned all the way. Can you be a sweetheart and button it up again? It's so indecent for me to walk around showing all this..." He grabs you and runs your gloved hand over his abs. ""
          You stare at him in disbelief. "Sir! I'm not comfortable with-" "-being so close to a crush? I know." He pouts. "So sad for you." You quickly button up his shirt. "You're not m-my crush." "Yet. It's only a matter of time. But, until then, you'll just be my hired companion. Now." He claps. "It's time to get ready for the gala, sweet Y/N. We practice ballroom dancing then we change. You'll be by my side all evening so you cannot embarrass the Livinsi name, even as a servant." His brown hair shone in the light of the chandelier as he pulled you close to him, a hand deliberately laying over your ass as the other took your other hand. "For now, just do what you always do. Focus only on me and follow my lead."
       You began a slow but steady waltz around the large room, listening to the soft notes of Orion humming. Your steps soon fell in sync and the footing becomes lighter and more graceful. You look up, trying to look disinterested, at Orion, whose smirking as the skin of his hand embraces the plain black of your gloves. "You interested in me yet?" "N-no, sir." "Oh, Y/N. It's Orion. And also you're a terrible liar." He grins. "It's okay. The truth can set you free, you know.." Your eyes meet, his eyes shining in newfound surprise. "Or.." "Or?" "..........or it can pull you in further."
       You both blush, still dancing. When you finally stop, you stare at each other. "S-so... You understand the waltz?" "Y-yes, Orion." You look down briefly, before Orion tilts your head up to look at him. "You called me Orion." He smiles. "Thanks." He presses his lips to your cheek, saying nothing when he withdrew.
       ".....tch." He looks away, his face a deep red. "I told you you'd fall for me. I knew it was only a matter of time." You raise an eyebrow. "I suppose so..sir." Though you look like you fell for me as well.. He looked back, with an evidently bored look. "Come, Y/N. I'll be requiring help fastening my clothes." "Yes sir." "Oh, and as my servant, you will call me Orion or Ori." "Yes, Orion." "Good."
    You both retreat to his room. He closes the door and takes off his shirt. "Pick my shoes and tie for me, would you? They're over by the dresser." "Yes, Orion." You quickly grab his black Oxfords and a vivid burgundy tie with black lining and detailing. "Here's your shoes and tie, Orion." "Thank you, my sweet." He slides into a newly ironed (by you) white shirt and buttons it to the second highest button. "Um..Y/N. Can you help me tie my tie? I, uh... I don't know how to do it myself." You nod. It's not entirely his fault. He was raised to ask others to do it for him. You approach him and begin nimbly looping his tie around his neck. As you finally tightened the tie around his neck snugly, your eyes meet again..and you almost catch a genuine smile.. Before he looks away. "Let's go."
     You both stride out of the room and down the looming hallway in silence before you hear, "...Y/N. Be honest." "About wha-" He interrupts you by pushing to the wall, kissing you passionately. "Do you feel.... anything for me? Beyond our work relationship I mean.. Do me?" You stare at him. "....I......"
Felicity: Heh heh...
Y/N: w-what do I say?!
Felicity: I don't know... But there's only one more person before you make your decision. Are you ready?
Y/N: ...y-yeah.

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