Mate Number 2

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You stare forward. "Hmm.." A plate of remaining french fries and a huge untouched vanilla milkshake sit in front of you and you hear the soft music of the jukebox. "Leave it to Chloe's to have great music for dancing but only maintaining the aesthetic of an average diner." "I know right? If only we could liven things up a bit."
    You look up, startled, to see a calm but charismatic woman, a baseball cap covering the majority of her hair and tee shirt and denim jeans hanging loose over a slim physique, her dark grey Timbs creaking lowly as she sat down. "Sorry if I'm interrupting. I'm Annabelle but you.." Her green eyes sparkled with mischief behind dark brown lashes. "You can call me whatever you like." You are taken aback by her confidence but it's oddly entrancing. "I'm Y/N." "Well, isn't that a cute name. So, Y/N.. Wanna make a little bet? It'll be sure to make things more....interesting." She stood. " Isn't that gonna look a little..I don't know.. Strange?" She smirked. "You gotta be open to try new things. Otherwise you'll never know if it's your style or type or not." You notice a strange choice of words she uses but say nothing about it. "Um, okay. What bet are we making?" "You're gonna dance with me." What?
     "If at fifteen people smile, clap, or join in, then you and me are gonna share these fries and maybe some dinner." She winks. "Not that you'll mind after an hour or two. But, if less than fifteen are happy, I wont ask you to do it again, you can go back to your meal, and I'll leave you alone." You think for a moment, considering your options. This is a fairly easy bet. I wonder who I'm rooting for. You make your decision. "Alright, Annabelle. I'll join your bet."
    She grins. "I knew you would. Come on, dance partner Y/N. Let's dance."
She pulls you up and pushes you to the jukebox. Right before you get to the machine, you feel a hand slide into your back pocket. "HEY w-what are you doing?!" She giggles. "Oh calm down. I was just grabbing a quarter from your pocket." I didnt even realize I had a quarter in my pocket.. WAIT I DIDNT. You stare, flustered, as Annabelle selected an old flapper song. She grabs your hand and starts doing the twist. You smirk before joining in, twirling Annabelle occasionally, barely noticing your smirk morph into a full fledged grin. People begin to watch and smile, some crowding around and clapping along. You see her smirk triumphantly. Well, the lady's gonna win anyway. Might as well give her and our audience a show.
      You grab her hips and lift her high off the ground, grinning as her eyes sparkled. As she came back down, her hat flew off and jagged strands of red drop to her shoulders. "This is so much fun!" You both grin as the music slowly pulls to a close. When it stops, you both bow and smile at the now huge audience. The audience claps happily and whoops. You chuckle and grin at the excited Annabelle who tackles you in a big hug. "I knew we'd be awesome!!!" She kisses your cheek. Your eyes widen..before smirking. You pull her into a kiss. "Congratulations. You win."
      She blushes a little but still smiles. "Which means we can hang out more, riiight?" "Yeah. I guess it does. So, wanna eat some fries with me, Anna?" She blushes deeper. "Uh...o-okay."
   You grab another straw for the milkshake and sit back down. The next hour is spent talking and laughing and finishing the food. Shes really nice.. Maybe we should do this again. "S-so you wanna hang out again sometime?" You look up. "Hmm.. That sounds like fun." You both stand and walk out. "We can hang out as long as you want. I promise, Anna."

Y/N: w-wow.. *finger combs hair* that was.... Nice..
Felicity: wasn't it? So, ready to see more?
Y/N: y-yeah.

Fiolee4evr: alright now be honest readers! So far, have you found your senpais yet?? Are you into the ever-challenging Rafe-senpai? Or the beautiful and energetic Annabelle-senpai? Comment who you love so far!

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