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Chapter SEVEN


"So.......are you guys like a........ thing?" Agent Tequila asked Eggsy and I as the three of us walked to Statesmen's HQ. I couldn't help but let out a snort, oh my god no way, ew just ew. I loved Eggsy but not in that way, ever! He's literally my brother and his girlfriend Tilde is literally one of my closest friends.

"What are you jealous?" I tease.

"Oh please, I don't get jealous." He retorts trying to maintain that 'bad boy' image but failing... miserably might I add.

Eggsy interrupts, stopping this joke from going any further, which in my opinion was annoying as I loved to see Tequila get all pissy. "She's not my girlfriend if that's what you're asking." He then looks up to the stars, "I've got a girlfriend waiting for me back home, so hurry up and let's get this over and done with." ughhhhh, I roll my eyes, quite the romantic drama queen if you ask me.

I look over to Tequila, "Does that answer your question?" I say sarcastically.

I see him smirk, "Uh Huh."


"At what point are you gonna start behaving like a statesman Tequila? Wanna go back to being a rodeo clown?" An elderly man I've never seen before speaks up. Wait, hold on a second did he just say rodeo? Was tequila in the rodeo? oh, this is gold! I look over at him with amusement only to see him staring back at me as if saying 'Don't ever bring this up.'

"No sir, I apologize sir." He says to the mysterious man.

The man then turns around with a smile, "I'm champagne." Oh god, not another bad pun. "But anyone who knows whats good for him........." He then swings his cowboy hat like a frisbee to a hat stand in the shape of a champagne bottle. Oh god, what is this place? I think I might be in heaven. I'm not even joking, the ceiling lights are actual beer bottles. "..............calls me champ." hah, nice nickname. "Sorry for your troubles, as your American cousins I'm placing all of the statesmen's considerably larger resources at your disposal." He then looks up to a large screen with the numbers $3,230,886,555 showing up on the screen. Holy cow! Is he actually giving us access to his bank accounts? Imagine all the things I could do with that money. Ok, maybe spending the agencies money is not a good idea.

"Can you imagine us in the clothing business?" He adds letting out a hearty chuckle.

He and Agent Tequila both sit down at the large oblong table. "Now, how can I help you?" He states, geez this man is literally the nicest person I've ever met.

Before I could say anything I find myself being interrupted by Eggsy. "First of all, I've got to thank you for saving Agent Galahad."

Now Champ cuts Eggsy off....... hah Karma. "Wait. You said that you were Galahad."

But then Tequila cuts Champ double karma? Is that even a thing? "No, he's talking about the butterfly guy, that used to be his handle."

"oh." was all champ said.

"Galahad always said, 'You gotta look at the bigger picture.' Ask 'why' as well as 'who'." Eggsy continued. Champ looked confused at his vague answer, but before he could explain himself I decide to take over.

"Basically, If someone wanted to take out kingsman, they would have had to be planning something major."

"And whats your name again?" Champ asks. Tequila also looks over curious, I don't think I ever told him my name.

"Knight, Agent Knight." I don't bother with my first name.

"Knight......Knight.......I like it." Tequila says almost testing how the words feel rolling off his tongue. A rosy color rises to my cheeks as I feel my face grow hotter at his words.

"So, Knight, What do you know?" Champs questions.

"Well, we think they're a drug cartel, we keep hearing the name Golden Circle...?"

"Ok, well look into them, what else ya got?" He challenges.

"One of our former trainees is working with them, Charlie Hesketh, absolute dick," I say in-complete displeasure.

"You got any promising leads on him?" Champ queries.

"Yes, we do." Eggsy pipes up. "His ex-girlfriend..." Pfffft I scoff at that, He's moved on so quickly. I roll my eyes. It's not what it seems like, trust me I would never stoop so low. We used to be friends when we were only 3, but then he turned into a rich snob and went to live the 'Glamours Life.' When we met again at Kingsman he would constantly flirt with me saying 'I turned into a fine woman', trying to impress me or whatever. He even once snuck into my room at night thinking we could 'hit it off,' but the only thing I ended up hitting was his face. Still he never learned his lesson, honestly, don't know how he got a girlfriend, but the 'ex' part explains it.

"So I've been tracking his ex-girlfriends social media for months, we believe she's still in contact with him............ and she's going to Glastonbury Music Festival."

"Oh good, Agent Tequila break out your dancing shoes, you have a new mission." Champ clarifies. "And Knight keep these guys company."

"Yes, Sir." We both say in sync.


A/N: ok I know its kind of short but I have important news concerning the plot. So In the movie *spoilers* At this part Agent Tequila would have had the blue veins on his face and then go to sickbay, then pretty much be out the entire movie. BUT that's not how I want this to go. Soooo I'm gonna either make that happen much much later in the movie or not at all - please comment what you think. So he is going to go to the festival and something may occur between Knight and Tequila, hehe. Also please don't write comments saying, "This is not how the movie goes blah blah." because I know that and I'm writing this book differently.

Thanks for your Understanding!

juliette x

💎👑 hahaha what a queen 👑💎

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💎👑 hahaha what a queen 👑💎


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