Rise and shine

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Lance yawned and stretched his arms as he woke up slowly, hearing a morning greeting from Shiro across the room. The leader was every bit of what one would expect the Black Paladin to be, fulfilling the morning ritual of sitting on the neatly made bed with a bunch of papers and pens, a plan and different strategies on his screen. Lance recognized the folders from the different meetings with the Blade and the rest of the Coalition.

A few days had passed since their first meeting with Kaida's crew and since then, there had been several meetings with the different leaders and paladins to discuss their plan in deeper details and what they were to do for the big, final battle. D-day as they said.

It had never been so close. They had never been so close to defeating the Empire. Never so serious to shade some light on the bleak horizon of Zarkon's reign. Their dreams were becoming reality, and that in itself seemed like a dream.

Lance felt the anxiety levels rising, a well-known warning going off in his brain when his ears suddenly caught a familiar sound.

"Is that-"

No, it couldn't possibly be! They were in space! Light years away from home. From Earth.

"What?" Shiro looked up from his notes, intrigued.

"Is that Eye of the tiger I'm hearing?!" Lance deadpanned in utter disbelief.


There was no way in hell Lance was mistaken and as crazy as it sounded, he followed his instincts and jumped out of bed to follow the sound's source.

As he came out, forgetting to put on his shirt in his hurry, he came across Keith in the corridors. The red paladin seemed as confused as Lance. And so was Hunk behind him.

Lance smiled fondly at his best friend. Ever since he'd learned that Keith was part Galra, Hunk had tried his best to always stay with him. Not to spy or watch over him; no, just to make sure he didn't feel rejected or alone. Both had become quite close friends over the weeks, once Hunk had "broke through Keith's walls". Hunk's words.

Keith seemed to have decent music taste, Lance pondered, considering he recognized the song. But who didn't anyway? Any person that heard it at least once was bound to get out of their rooms when it was being sung in freaking space! Or maybe it was Hunk's doing.

But Lance was putting too much thought into the matter so early in the morning. To begin with, that wasn't even their biggest problem right now, so he focused back on his task: following the melody of Survivor's most famous hit.

The sound led him to the main room, the one they ate in on the day of their arrival on Kaida's deck. Voltron team had been staying on board with the crew for different reasons. Firstly because the castle was well known by the Galra now. Secondly, because said castle was getting war upgrades and needed a well fix-up in a secret base of the Coalition. And finally, because the ship had become the meeting point for their meetings with the other representatives of the planets. The captain's ability to hide everyone's presence - or even the ship itself - if needed came in a handy.

When Lance finally traced the sound to its origins, his jaw dropped. Both him and Keith stopped on the threshold, watching in disbelief at the scene in front of them.

A small group of crew members, Bat Captain and Dark Sword Lieutenant were hurrying across the table, making breakfast to a very 'top earthlings hits' playlist playing loudly in the background.

"Don't!" shouted a young female in a purple tank top when the lieutenant was about to shake the mixture off in rhythm with the music.

"But Lo!" whined lieutenant Teerah, making puppy eyes.

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