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Hazel stared at the blue map in the room. Allura and Coran had managed to set up their technology on board of Scarlet Kaida in the past weeks and she was now able to walk through the galaxies. Standing in front of planets and traveling faster than shooting stars.

The Balmera, Earth or even her own planet. She could go anywhere. See everything. With just one flip of a finger.

But the one thing she wanted to see on that map wasn't a star or a planet. Her captain's location could never appear on that map. And she felt the bitter taste down her throat. She was the navigator, it was her job to carry the crew to their destination. They only needed to ask.

And Hazel hated not being able to help. She knew she couldn't do anything. Her map couldn't display that type of information. She was useless.

When she'd been lost and scared, defenceless and without a place to go, Lucy had been there to give her a hand. A chance to leave her past and take down on a new road. A path of recovery and freedom. Loana was right. They all healed thanks to Scarlet Kaida. They all healed thanks to each other's presence. And in bad days, someone was always here by your side.

"We're in this together," Lo had told her once. "We can defeat any challenge."

But as hardworking as she was, she couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel like Lucy had taught her.

Visualise it. Visualise your path. One step after another. You can't hike the mountain in one go. Sometimes you have to take a break, breathe and take a snack. And most importantly you never go in the mountain by yourself, right? Your friends are here for you, Hazel. I'm here for you, Hazel.

Lucy was always here for everyone but who was there for her? She could always hear their thoughts. She always knew when something was wrong. And even if Hazel wasn't able to read minds like Lucy did, she knew a fake smile when she saw one. Even if Lucy always seemed so happy and joyful around them, Hazel knew she was keeping darker secrets inside her heart.

Keeping secrets from Jijii. From Lo. From Cosmo. From everyone.

If Lucy started hiding from them? What dark thoughts could haunt her mind?

As much as she loved helping others, Hazel had seen how hard it was for Lucy to seek help from the crew she loved so dearly.

If they don't want to speak about it, then we don't force them.

That was the rule on Scarlet's deck. Everyone had a right to privacy, to speak when they were ready to do so. And Hazel was scared Lucy would never open that door.

What if Lucy never came back? What if the last time they'd hear her voice would have been on that Galra deck? Just before she left with Alan and their unit. What if Lucy was already gone?

What if. What if. What if.

Hazel had always hated being left in the unknown.

The fear of what was going to happen. If the smile was suddenly going to turn into a sneer. If the laughter was going to turn into anger in a second. If the hug was going to turn into a punch.

Not knowing was scary and ignorance and carelessness only left bruises on your skin.

Hazel closed her eyes and tightened her fist, nails digging into her skin as the old demons came chasing after her.

Go away. Leave me alone.

Steve's sudden purrs brought her back to reality and she turned her attention back to her bracelet where a blue dot was flickering. She took the com and Jijii's voice answered right away.

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