The day we almost defeated the empire

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Kolivan stood next to her, her head barely reaching his shoulders as all their soldiers step into the different cruisers. Lucy observed him. This man was the leader of a Galra rebel association, he had stood against all odds and proved his allies of their worth. Mission after mission, always trying to rain on the Empire's parade. His eyes seemed to shine brighter as he activated the mask of his Marmora suit, leaving only his long white braid to be seen under his hood. How many friends had he lost during this quest to freedom? Ulaz, Thace,... How many others had died during the thousands of years they had been fighting against Zarkon?

Lucy sadly smiled as she remembered the crush Deandra had had on the man ever since she first met him. Lucy could swear Kolivan had blanched that day, seeing this woman, slightly taller than him, running with her strong four arms towards him; to pay her respect to the, oh so called great leader of the revolution he was.

Andry... I won't let your death be in vain. We will crush the Empire. We'll bring back hope and rest to everyone's soul. We will. I promise you.

The Blade of Marmora, Galra rebels, and the Scarlet Kaida, a bunch of angry wounded renegades, were about to join their strength to crush the Empire.

How ironic, the ones he had oppressed and rejected, all those people from different planets had only one and the same goal. Him . Voltron the legendary defender standing at their side.

Would it be enough? Would it work? How many of those eyes would still be looking at the stars tomorrow?

As a friend, she didn't want to think about it. But as a captain, it was her duty, her job, to do so. Protect and save.

The communication device crackled in her ears. She hated it. Hated to have to rely on it. Hated it because it meant she couldn't use her powers to reach everyone. Some were already far away, having left for their own mission the day before. Cosmo's, Loana's, Aria's, Hazel's and a hundred of other bridges were dormant in her head.

The others overwhelmed by confidence, stress and fear.

She bid one last farewell to Allura who was standing in the hangar before the mask of her suit fell on her. Shutting all the dark thoughts in a faraway cupboard of her brain, she closed the door behind the last two men. Just like everyone else on board, they were wearing Marmora suits as they provided way better protection than the outfits the Scarlet Kaida's members used to wear to battle. She watched as they sat, finding their own place next to their comrades.

It's too dangerous for children, she had said to Sammy a few days ago, but how many adults truly were here? Even if they looked more or less old, how was it compared to their lifespan? Even herself as a woman from Atlantis could hope and live for hundreds of years.

She buckled her seatbelt and feeling the presence of Merryn at her feet reassured her. She felt her hot breath through the fabric of her suit. The hound was calm, her dark head resting on her paws. She had regained her usual size recently and Lucy had no doubt that Merryn was going to enjoy changing her size in front of the Galra, scaring them, appearing out of nowhere, leaving as soon as she came, a metallic arm crushed between her fangs.

As soon as they would have penetrated the main ship, after Aeris and the others would have opened the way that is, the fighters present on board of the different cruisers would progressively split into different teams, covering more grounds. Kolivan and half of his men were in this cruiser, Jijii and the rest of her men were in the other one.

She closed her eyes once more, slightly feeling the jump the cruiser made to reach their destination. Dizziness clouded her thoughts for a small second. At least some things didn't change. She had always been sensitive to the leap through galaxies.

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