Last Party

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Since her announcement that the big final battle would take place in three weeks, the mood aboard Scarlet Kaida had changed drastically. Lucy could see the shift in everyone's spirits.

Yes, they were still grieving Deandra - they forever will - but the ceremony and this important news were the things they all had needed to move on, to get back on track.

Everyone seemed more focused.

She had meant for this day to be a day off for her crew, they needed rest and time to start the healing process. Even if they called themselves pirates, the ruthless aspect of the job had never been one of Scarlet Kaida's personality. They had teased and titillated the Empire more than once for sure, but most of them didn't share the same bloody path and had not seen death so close. And for the one who did, she knew well how much it could bring some unwanted and repressed memories out. Much like an open wound.

But Lucy should have known better, her protégés were not ones to back down and rest when the thing they had waited for for so long, was finally coming.

She was proud to be their captain.

Therefore, they had dived into the getting ready for D-Day schedule. Training had intensified, missions to retrieve weapons, ammo, and such, had been dispatched and she had given her orders to retrieve everything to fill the infirmary's cupboards. Cosmo's stock was to be replenished soon too and as for the children, they were thrilled to go back to the space mall with Stergann and Makara.

"We don't win the war with big muscles and an empty stomach, Sammy," she said, poking the young boy's nose, "but with a well-rested brain and nutrients in your veins."

"Does that mean we buy chocolate and pie?"

"Exactly," she answered with her proud grin. "Now off you go Scarlet Boy, you've got a mission to fulfill!"

"Aye, aye Captain!" he answered proudly, an understanding grin on his face.

He ran to catch up with his friends and her smile widened at his behavior. "This boy I swear..."

"You raised him well," Jijii laughed, looping her arm on Lucy's shoulders.

"Right? He's one of my precious achievements! Now let's go, we've got some lions to see!"


Hazel looked from the window of the laboratory room and watched as Jijii and Lucy followed after the paladins. They had received a call this morning from members of the Coalition, the Olkarian's if she remembered right, said that their lions and ships were ready. Red Mustache and Pretty Space Princess had proposed to Lucy and Jijii to join them. And they had accepted right away, excited to finally see Voltron with their own eyes.

The two of them disappeared in the cruiser on the main deck, Merryn still in their tracks. She'd been glued to them since Deandra's death. Usually, Merryn was with their leaders all the time, they were basically her moms, but it broke her heart to see Merryn that way. She wasn't being her true self. She was edgy, sad, and grieving.

Much like everyone else...

Another exasperated sigh escaped from Loana beside her. Cosmo pinched the bridge of his nose. He too was starting to lose his cool.

"I don't get it," grumbled Loana. "Why isn't it working!"

The three of them had been working on the data Pidge and Hunk had stolen at the prison - or rather the lack of it. For hours now the strong computers and screens were beeping and analyzing but none of them had ended with positive results for them. None of the screens displayed the green light they were all waiting for. It was driving them mad.

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