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Keith woke up to the sound of the cool breeze and soothing waves. He dressed up and went straight to the kitchen. As they were now living on the ship, he and the others were part of the chores chart, too. This morning it was cooking.

Keith didn't mind. He liked working in the kitchen - and not only because there were lots of knives everywhere like Lance believed. At least he was doing something. Something concrete.

The corridors were empty except for him and Merryn, who had just popped up in front of him.

"Morning Padfoot!" The hound who usually was the size of a pony was no bigger than a German Shepherd this morning. Keith didn't know if it was the consequence of using up all that energy the day before or if she was sad and grieving in her own way. Maybe a little bit of both...

She whined beside him and he patted her head. She followed him until he reached the kitchen. As if keeping watch. Protecting. Not wanting anything to happen to anyone anymore.

"I'm okay," he whispered to her, "I'm okay..." Her big dark eyes went back to his face at the sound of his voice. She disappeared in her usual swirl of shadows and with her, a small part of Keith's heart crumbled away.

Just like he had expected, the atmosphere was heavy in the kitchen. Eyes were red, movements sloppy and careless, as if tuned to the same sad tune. Hazel removed a knife from the hands of a young boy and took him in her arms. Her apron became wet with his tears.

"It's okay to cry darling, it's okay Sam," she kept patting his head and stroking his hair softly.

Ash saw Keith and eyed the pile of fruit for breakfast. Tying up his hair, he started peeling them and Lance, who had arrived a few minutes later, chopped them silently next to him.

The sobs of the child stopped and only the chopping of the knives could be heard above the sound of the crashing waves.

Slowly, the Scarlet Kaida woke up and the crew arrived in the main room and sat at the tables. Eating in silence while the sound of the waves could still be heard in the distance felt so strange on this usually lively ship.

Keith looked at their faces, most of them covered by messy bangs that concealed red eyes and sleepless features. Those who couldn't use their hair to hide the sorrow kept their eyes down, were staring into their empty bowls. Others were handling the situations better, but Keith knew it was but a mask glued to their faces. A dam holding all the emotions that poured like rain in a barrel. Trying to hold on in front of the others.

The realisation that Deandra had been a friend to all of them hit Keith once again, a punch well delivered to his guts. They really were a big family. Blood, race, age, didn't matter. Each of them knew the others and she had been a friend, a sister, a mentor, a confidant... And she wasn't there anymore. They had not been able to save her.

The blow was hard to take in.

But they were at war and they had to keep moving forward. Using their grief as energy, as a reason to keep going.

Lucy entered the room and all the gazes fell on her. In moments like this, the strength of a leader was tested. As much as she wanted to hold them like the sister and family she was to them, she was also their captain. The one who gave the orders. The anchor keeping them grounded.

Lucy didn't stay long- just enough to announce that the ceremony would take place on the first deck, as soon as they were all ready. She grabbed an apple on a nearby table and left the room, Merryn in her trail.


"Yesterday, Scarlet Kaida lost another member." Keith shivered at the word another . "Deandra died fighting for her freedom. Our freedom. She was cowardly executed, but today is not a day for revenge and bloodlust. Today, we stand together, united as one, to bid one last farewell to our friend."

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