First steps

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(F/P) = Favorite Pokemon


You looked at Mist and Mercus (the plot devices of this story) both toddering around on their legs. You were a few weeks older then them but haven't walked went. Guzma claims that's because your a bit slower at picking it up then them. You hated how they always showed you up, Mist wasn't as bad though but Mercus you want to.... well you didn't know yet your a baby but you know it's bad.
Mercus walks over to you and pushes you when no one was looking. The little brat then ran away laughing as you tried to crawl to him. The shrill laughing of his made you really mad.
Well this and his parents praised him for running likes it biggest deal on the planet. Done being shown up you stood just as your dad had been showing you to walked to the stairs and started climbing. You made ot up one flight before turning to meet your dad's shoes. He smirked proudly at you before picking you up and giving you a cookie.


You clung to Null as Gladion cooed at you to try walking. You knew how to you been practicing either with Null holding the back of your shirt or sitting on your dad's feet. It was a really small distance to. Oh but we can't forget nerves, and your' s did not like this idea.

Deciding to get over it you let go of Null slowly then carefully take it bitty steps to Gladion,who beam with joy. You hadn't notice the camera on top of Null's head but later in the future you wouldn't care. Seeing your dad that happy will make you regret one decision but that's a story for another time.


Nebby got out of the bag.... again. You had seen him leave and decided you go after him. But you couldn't catch up to him. He knew you were following and would turn around to see you get close enough to know his next move before going a bit more. Deciding this took to long you stood up and tried walking. You fell three times before you got it. Finally catching Nebby you turn to see. "MAMA" you cried out holding Nebby. She didn't care that he got out of the bag she was just happy to see you walking.


Hala would have thought Hau would take you with him to go to his final Grand trial. That was one big Nope, you may like pokemon battles but you didn't like seeing the pokemon faint. If you saw one faint you up and out start bawling and screaming. Hau didn't want to see you cry so he gave you to Hala.

Big mistake. Hala had arranged Three of his trials on that day. So of course what happens when the first Pokemon goes down. You got up screaming your head off and ran to the professor house. Three hours later your dad comes in and see you run up and down the walls. He wasn't sure if he was proud of you for walking, Mad at Hala for letting you see a pokemon faint, Mad at himself for not telling Hala, or Thankful Kukui was willing to look after you.

The Island Kahunas

Despite the incident that happened at the temple the Tapus loved you. Sometimes when the Kahunas had to deal with somethings they just call to the Tapu of the island and ask them to look after you then pick you up at the temple. It was only a matter of time before you felt more comfortable with them then your family. It was Nanu turn to watch you and he had given you to Tapu Bulu while he dealt with team skull. Bulu decided he teach you to walk

Bulu had you grab on to his tail and floated so your only your feet were touching the ground. Slowly Bulu move forward with you still dangling from his tail.You took this chance to put one foot in front of other. You decided to finally let go and walk on your own. You ran around on your own laughing at your own achievement.


You didn't think any one saw the wormhole that had opened in the sanctuary. Get help would take to long as well so you thought you go over and check for your self. When you got there a UB was there you didn't know the name but called it Rosa. You were interested in the way Rosa walked on long white legs. You thought it be fun to mimic her.

Grabbing the railing you pulled yourself up before copying Rosa. Rosa looked at you and laughed slightly before strutting over to you. Picking you up gently she set you down on top her of her feet before taking small step. When you get the hang of it you started to walk around a bit more not noticing Rosa had stopped helping you and gone back through the wormhole.


Kukui and Burnet had gotten in a even worst fight that end in her asking for a divorce. She no longer want to take care of you so Kukui would get you but nothing more. Kukui was a wreck, his wife was leaving him after all. You sat in the corner looking at your dad you didn't like seeing him so sad. A idea hit you as you smiled.

You grabbed your favorite toy that always made you happy, a (F/P) plushie. Standing you starting walking in a determined matter to your dad. You hadn't meant to starting walking but you hated see him like this more then you feared getting hurt. You pulled on his pant leg before pushing the plushie on to his lap. He smiled down at you before picking you up and hugging you to his chest crying while you wiped the silly tears away.

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