Sick Day

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This was requested by Wolfiegamer122


You were sitting in the bathroom leaning against rhe wall closes to the bathroom. You felt more vomit rush you your throat and grabbed the toilet. As you vomited you felt your hair be pulled away from your face. Once you finished a blanket was wrapped around you and a hand rubbed your back.
"Hey dad. Sorry I'm not in school" You say as you lean back into the wall. Guzma shook his head and wrapped you up in hug. You heard him chuckle before say "I'm just mad ya didn't go and aim at the jerks that bully ya.". You both died of laughter on the bathroom floor.


You groaned and rolled over on the couch. You had a fever and didn't go to school that day. Too bad your dad still went to work despite your constant begging for him to stay. Null stood next to the couch nuzzling your arm. You looked up at Null and petted his head.
The resilient pokemon refuse to go with your father, choosing to instead stay by your side. You smiled at Null before breaking down into tears. Null tried and failed to do their best to comfort you as you cried for your father.

Lillie (This one is different from the others but still counts)

Your kneecap had popped out of it's socket at the track meet. Everyone around you was freaking out, well everyone but the coach. The coach just walked up to you and your mom and put a hand on your shoulder.
    Your mom looked the coach and ask "she is gonna be ok right". The coach nodded before pushing the kneecap back in place. You started crying in pain as your kneecap popped back into its socket.
    "She gonna be alright none of the ligaments are so there should be no complications" the coach said with a smile as you screamed in the background


   Sitting in bed you groan and grabbed your stomach as in started to ache again. Your dad had come in early to wake you up, but seeing your condition he turned and walked out. You felt like you were gonna vomit and before you did your father walked in with a thermometer.
    Hau looked at the thermometer and sighed "108, your not going out". You whined before gripping your stomach as another pain hit you. Hau picked you up and hugged you close to his chest, you snuggled into and enjoyed the warmth.

The Kahunas

    You looked at Tapu Koko and shook your head "for the last time, I'm not leaving the bathroom". You groaned once again and gripped the toilet but ended up just spitting in it. Koko grumbled before getting Hala, your current guardian.
   Hala walked in witha thermometer, bowl of soup, and a blanket. He sat the soup near by than turn to you "You look worse than that time you fell off your bike, down a hillside and into the ocean". You smiled weakly before actually hurling into the toilet.


   She did nothing to help you, just said "(Y/N) you better not giving my lovely pokemon, chicken poxs". You felt, looked, and acted miserably till someone, your not sure how, sent the medication team down to you. They help you get better not your mother.


   You had the best dad ever. You came home from your mom's and the next day got sick. Kukui swooped into action. He gave you nice fluffy and warm blanket, alongside slippers that were so warm. Next came a cherry and orange smoothie with a movie marathon of all your favorite actors and actresses. Best sick day ever!

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