Weird Family moments

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    "No Snivy is green" You told your dad. "And I'm telling you Snivy is yellow when shiny" He told you.
"Who even said that" You asked he stomping your foot.
    "Mercus" He finally said. You shook your head and ask "And you believe him"
    Your dad just stood there


  "No Null loves me more" Your father smirks proudly. You rolled you eyes before laughing "yeah but I'm more like Null's kid sooooooo Null loves me more!" Lillie and Professor Kukui stare at you and your father as you guys continued to argue over the matter.
    "How did this even start" Lillie asks. Gladion looks at her before simply saying "school project gone wrong"


   "Grandma can't be that bad, Mom. Just let me meet her once" you beg your mother to let you go and meet your grandmother, Lusamine. Your mother sighed in defeat before getting tickets to the Ather Foundation.

Five hours later

    Your eyes were wide and your mouth was agap. After Five hours with Grandma Lusamine you had 14 white dress and more clothes on the way. "Ok I was wrong Mommy. This is ten times worse than I could have ever thought"


  "Say it, say it I dare you!" You screamed at your great Grandpa. You had him in a choke hold in the middle of the living room. The tv still showed the impossible defeat on the game you two were playing.
    Hala laughed before saying "ok I confess I had Hau teach me how to play the game". He luaghed even harder as your dad screamed "you agreed not to tell (Y/N), Grandpa you betrayed me! AHHHHH". You also got a noise complaint from the neighbors

The Kahunas

     "I'm telling you that your wrong, this time" You sighed in front of Nanu. You guys were in front of four meowths holding one egg "this egg is from those two".
   Nanu shook his head and pointed to the other two Meowths "Its these guy's they always do that around this time of year." You just smiled and laughed "Rrrrrright".
   The other three Kahunas stood by watching and in unison "Why is this  actually an arguement"


      "MOTHER FOR THE LAST TIME YOU CAN'T DO THIS" You beg her. She was struggling in your arms trying to pet someone else Pokemon. "That Pokemon is really cute, Pleeeeeeaaaassssseee" She whines trying to get out of your arms.
   "Oh Arceus no. We have to ...... and there she goes" You sigh as she gets out of your arms and pretty much tackles the pokemon.

(P.S you are younger than the others in this one cause in their stories their like 16 and here your barely 5)

   "Dad, Mom's new Boyfriend taught me a new word" you cheer happily walking in. Your mother had changed the custody arrangements so she got you once a month for two days. Your dad laughed a bit bitterly than asked "oh really sweetheart whats the word you learned"
    "Bitch" you cheered happily at your dad. Your dad tensed up and dropped what he was doing. He looked at you and smiled sweetly "get in the boat right now. Me and your mommy are gonna have a nice little chat"

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