your First Pokemon

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(Before we begin I will not be adding the Kahunas in this one cause your first pokemon was the last chapter for them so we will have all the others in there and Ages will be written next to the parent's name)

Guzma Age 6

    You looked out at the plains surrounding Po town. Some of the grunts were freaking out below you because somehow you had gotten on top of the wall. Staring out at area you saw a Goomy wondering up to the door. You sighed before dropping down into a tree. Climbing back down the tree you snuck quietly to door and cracked it open.

   The Goomy happily shuffled in and up to your foot. Happily it snuggled into your leg. You crouched down and pet the pokemon happily before a pokeball tapped its head. "Hey I was playin' with that pokemon!" You yelled before turning to see your dad smiling. He walked over to you and picked up the pokeball "Here ya go kiddo, don't say I didn't get ya anything for your birthday".
  You cheered loudly before hugging your dad.

Gladion Age 7

  You and your friends were walking over to, Marice's house (random girl and plot device). Her mother was watching you guys as you ran around and played in the meadow. You were playing tag when Marice tripped over something. Uncovering it the two of you guys at the object and gasped. It was an egg. "I don't think we can keep it"
    "Oh come on, just this once! Its only one egg in the middle of a deserted field. Fair game if you ask me" You said picking up the egg and walking away.
    For five weeks you cared for that egg. Keeping it warm and taking it with you to school to make sure its safe. One day you came home from school to see your father cooking, or at least trying to. A bit of the liquid in the pot boiled over and exploded all over the room. "Dad the egg could have gotten hurt! Can you please be more careful" you asked Gladion. He laughed and bent down to rub you and the egg "I'm sorry sweetie, I'll try but I can't promise no harm will happen".
     As he rubbed the egg it started to crack open. You, being an ignorant child, started freaking out "AHHH DAD YOU BROKE THE EGG. I HOPE THE BABY POKEMON IS OK". Your father laughed before explaining to you the egg was hatching. A baby (F/P) jumped out of the remains of the egg, before it cooed at you. Now the Pokemon is (F/P/N)

Lillie Age: 9

   You and Kukui were hanging out as Lillie took Kukui's kid clothes shopping. The two of you were trying to figure out what your teacher had to be on to assign fourth grades 35 problems of homework. You sighed in frustration before you slammed your head into the table, "Nope I give up".
   Kukui laughed and ruffled your hair "Ok Okay, how about this. I take you out to catch your first pokemon. Seeing as Lillie has kidnapped my kid for clothes shopping". At the offer you jumped up as you started to cheer and dance.
   Kukui showed you how to catch the pokemon before loaning you a pokemon and pokeball. Using Rockruff you attacked and caught your first pokemon. (F/P)

Hau age 8

     You sat on a cliff side writing in your journal. This had become a Natural pass time for you. You would write your day at school or the weekend day and than you woild described the state of the cliff and what you wanted to do to change it. Over time the local pokemon grew use to your being there and eventually turned you into an every day life occurrence.
    You were doing your normal thing sitting on the cliff and writing when you heard a small pokemon sound. Turning you saw a nearly fainted pokemon lying on the ground. With a gasp you stood up and rushed to pick up the pokemon before running to Hau'oli city's poke center. You handed it over to the nurse and than waited patiently.
    The nurse reappeared with the newly healed pokemon in her hands "your lucky, this pokemon was almost toast when you found them. I dare say if you hadn't brought them here they would have been a goner. (Only read this part if your favorite pokemon is not apart of the Melemele ecosystem) Oh course its strange to see this pokemon in these parts. Do you want to keep them?". You nodded your head frantically and took in (F/P/N)

Lusamine age 14

   You stared at the Type:Null you had created. It was asleep on your bed and stole all of your blankets. The pokemon snored gently and snuggled into the blankets. You smiled, while leaning back in your computer chair. You slipped off your lab coat before getting the air mattress from storage.
    As you were getting the mattress you saw an old pokeball just lying on the ground. You picked it up and pocketed the item for later use before continuing on your way. When you reentered your room the new Null ,you nicknamed Noelia, was prancing around.
   Laughing you closed the door behind you with the air Mattress. Noelia looked at you with curious eyes before nuzzling your pocket. Incidentally, Noelia went into the pokeball being caught in the the process.

Prof. Kukui age 12

    You and Zappy were sitting in the trees once more. Zappy had you in his lap as you guys watched the sun set. You knew it was getting time to start your journey but none of the starter pokemon spoke to you.
   With a sigh you leaned back into Zappy who hugged you right back. In pokemon gibberish he asked what was wrong, or you think that's what he said. You shook your head before explaining "its nothing Zappy, just I'm supposed to start my pokemon journey soon but no starter calls to me and I don't want to leave Aloha for a different pokemon. Silly I know, I should just settle for one but this is my partner and I'm supposed to love and trust them. None these pokemon ask me to do that in any manner."
   Zappy nodded before handing you something. You looked at the item realizing its a pokeball. You looked at Zappy than the ball and it clicked. "Wait really" You ask in shock. Zappy nodded, at least he did something close to it before letting you capture him and start your journey.

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