Chapter 4

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Sorry for taking so long to update ...

Harry's POV

We watched her dissapear in the crowd. Even I thought that I've seen her somewhere , but I just couldn't figure it out.

" Stop staring at her " Niall said after some time. We continued to talk but there was sort of a tingling inside me . I felt like I knew her sincea long time and wanted to talk to her again. I picked up my drink and started to walk in her direction.

Kim's POV

I saw Harry coming near and honestly I wasn't feeling excited or anything like other girls would if they saw him. I knew Katy is gonna scream or something and create a commotion if she saw HARRY STYLES so I just simply stood and walked towards the balcony of the club , telling her that I need some fresh air. I stood by the ceiling and looked outside . I checked the time * 10. 06 pm *. We still had some time so I just kept looking at the sky , stars shining brightly.

Sounds of foot steps came from behind so I turned to look ... the curly boy grinning.

" Hey " He said .

" Ummm... Hi " I was sort of confused that why is he continuosly smiling .

" Where are you from?" He asked slowly seeing if anybody heard him although there was no one in there.

" Since when have you started taking interest in people's life who you don't even know?" I asked as a chuckle left my mouth.

"Ummm ... Kim I think I've seen you some where before". Wow what a memory , we just saw each other at the burberry catwalk 2012 . Well I saw him and I remeber telling Katy about it but we didn't talk or anything . Plus above all I had never had the chance to meet ONE DIRECTION as I was Simon's neice . Although Katy had insisted alot for meeting them but that was always impossible due to some reasons.

" Kim ??? " He stressed his words. As I was pulled back in reality.

" Erm, I ... I don't know " I said to him looking outside .

" So , you're from London right ?" He stammered with his words. I nodded . " And, are you single?" he asked slowly biting his bottom lip. I started laughing at his question.

"Why do you wanna know that? "

" Just asking .So do you live nearby ?" I raised my eyebrows at his question .

" Since when do we know each other so well that I'll spill everything about my - " I was cutt off by Niall's entrance.

" Hazz , when are you planning to leave ? And Liam just called that we should leave before the number of paps inrease outside, plus some fans have started to notice us and are tweeting about it."


There is a pic of Kim at the side ... PLZ vote and comment... =D It is true that Harry Styles attended the burberry catwalk and Kim Sears and Andy Murray were also there.




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