Five: E is for Everything

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I can't possibly be everything to you. Even as you say that, you're thinking of yourself.

Keith's mother arrived with an entire sleepover kit, including a sleeping bag, pouch of toiletries, hippo kigurumi- a gift from a family friend- that Keith refused to wear, set of pajamas, hippo slippers, and a box of chocolates for Hunk's family. This came from the 13 years of preparation before Keith had been invited and had actually gone to his first sleepover. She kept the kit packed up in Keith's closet and used it with glee, embarrassing the ever-loving emo out of her son. Hunk's grandmother had welcomed her excitement at their first sleepover and continued to be as grandmotherly even three years later.

Lance's older brother came by to amicably complain about how Lance would take dish duty for an extra day the next week and drop off his sleepover things. By then, Lance had discovered the kigurumi, wrecked Keith's already dissolving edgy persona, and admitted to having a shark one. Apparently they shared the family friend with a sense of humor. Pidge's brother arrived at the same time, ruffling Pidge's hair as he ordered her to remember to sleep at a decent time.

"Ay, Lance," Miguel commented, noticing how often he and Keith snuck glares at each other, "did you get a boyfriend after you left school? Is he the one who picked you up to drive here?"

"We're not dating," Keith drawled. He wasn't bothering putting effort into resurrecting his edge; it was getting late and he was lazily slipping into his childhood Texan accent.

"Oh, but Lance talks so much about you!" Miguel smirked, knowing exactly how he was torturing his brother. "It's always 'Keith this' and 'Keith that'; 'Keith is such an edgelord but I like him' and 'that stupid mullet is the light of my life when he puts it in a ponytail'."

"I have never said anything like that in my life!" Lance cried. Pidge stuck out her leg so he didn't tackle his brother to the floor in Hunk's house.

", , of course not," Miguel shrugged, "you say it en español."

If it was any help, Keith didn't believe Miguel either. Lance had only flirted with him for an afternoon. He hadn't stared at him before, had he?

"Ve a la casa," Lance whined. Miguel bade everyone goodbye and laughed all the way to his car.

Matt hugged Pidge before he left.

"Bro," she mused, patting Lance's shoulder, "you got yourself really deep into this."

Hunk came down the stairs carrying a pack of Pocky and a pillow. "So, Miguel picked up on your flirting or something?"

"I didn't flirt with Keith in front of him," Lance protested. "I haven't flirted with him since we got our cookie privileges back."

"The attitude y'all have doesn't help, either," Keith grumbled.

"Matt said we should watch this," Pidge held up a DVD box. "It's apparently a romantic movie, but with a twist. He's such a sap."

"It's called 'La La Land'," Hunk snickered as they descended into the basement. "Is that where he goes every time he looks at Space Dad? 'Oh my God, Shiro's so cool, he was the best space partner ever!'"

"I heard the songs are good, though."

Keith sighed. "I get enough music stuck in my head because of you."

"Maybe if we watch it we'll fall asleep. Then Matt and Hunk's grandma won't yell at us for staying up too late. Or maybe we'll find good screenshots for memes. Who knows?" Pidge dragged the coffee table away from the couch by herself.

As endless as the opportunities were, Keith couldn't fall asleep. Pidge dozed off after three dance numbers. Hunk kicked Lance and Keith onto their sleeping bags so he could snooze on the couch after the next. The movie was distracting enough to keep Keith awake, however.

And then there were two. Lance insisted that they play through all the songs again after the movie ended (with a lame twist, as predicted). Keith tried covering his head with a pillow, but it wasn't enough.

"The sun is nearly gone," Lance crooned, giggling.

"Don't do this, Lance," the Korean hissed.

Lance turned the TV off. "The lights are turning on."

"They ain't on my watch. Let me sleep," Keith rolled over and pushed his face away. Why did Lance insist on laying his sleeping bag next to him, of all people? "You said you would stop flirting."

"I changed my mind. There are no cookies in the room, you see."

He groaned. "Don't make a parody of that stupid song now."

There was a night light in the basement. Maybe Hunk's family regularly did laundry at midnight. It cast a bluish-white glow over Lance and Keith, and the Cuban's stupid pretty eyes reflected it beautifully.

"I'll stop when you apologize."

"Not for not studying with you," Keith mumbled into his pillow.

"Not for that. Apologize for everything."

"Everything? Everything what?"

"Well, first off, for your mullet. And then for not having two motorcycle helmets. And then for not saying anything when Miguel made fun of me. And then..."

Lance continued listing things until Keith fell asleep. He could feel himself drifting into a dream as he murmured, "And at the end apologize for your stupid pretty eyes and soft hair and everything else."

It was a dream full of clouds, dat boi, and a certain someone who had moved to town before sophomore year.

The dream faded away soon after they woke up to Pidge taking her earbuds out for a second as she played Nyan Cat. Seriously? Who kept their volume up so high? And she had been complaining about being rude. Lance almost sat up in indignation, but his eyes were still closed and he wanted to try falling asleep again.

"Hhghhhhggggffffhh," Keith groaned, kicking at Pidge's phone. She scoot out of his reach.

"What he said," Lance added, resigned to the fact that he wasn't going back to sleep. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

She smiled. "Good, you two are up. Now Hunk and his grandma will make us waffles without asking about you. I've got first dibs on the whipped cream, and he called the powdered sugar."

Keith rolled over. "Wake me up when my mom calls to complain about me."

"Keithy boy, we gotta get up to eat."

"Leave me behind."

"If you don't get up, I'm going to pun-ish you."

Keith did a push-up to rise from his pillow. Lance couldn't help but stare at his arms. Dang, he should have started working out at the beginning of the year. Curse their entire friend group's tendency to procrastinate. "Bite me, Lancey-Lance."

A, You're Adorable (Klance) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now