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Hey, y'all. I'm really sorry for leaving on radio silence for months. I've been busy lately, and I seriously lost motivation to even continue using Wattpad.

When I started writing A, You're Adorable, I was getting my ideas down and just excited in general about the whole process, but it got more and more difficult to write, until I could barely bring myself to think about it. I love the story, and, of course, the characters, but it's just not well-written enough for my current frazzled brain to get inspired; not to mention, the VLD seasons that were released wrecked much of the backstory I'd created-- for Lance, especially. I'm not even that into Voltron anymore. In short, I can't finish this fic.

For reference, I started writing this in 2017, and now it's almost the end of 2018. If you check my DeviantArt, there's a very visible difference between the cover of this fic and my current art. Likewise, my writing has, presumably, improved greatly, and my perfectionism would force me to rewrite this altogether if I wanted to keep going.

I'd rather not subject y'all to any more unkept promises, so here's the truth:

1. I'm not going to update this anymore. I'm not even going to post what else I have written, because, to be honest, it was all really forced and unhelpful to the plot.

2. I'm leaving Wattpad as a fanfiction site. I'll keep this account and everything on it up for archive/nostalgia purposes, but I won't post any more fandom-related content here. All of my new fanfiction will move to Archive of Our Own. If you're interested in BnHA, you can find me as Fwizz101. We'll see if I want to post my original content here.

3. You can find me on other social media platforms. I think I've listed them here and on my profile numerous times before, but you can still DM me to ask.

Thanks again for everything you've done for me and sticking along for the ride. I'm sorry that I couldn't get this done on a positive note.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2018 ⏰

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A, You're Adorable (Klance) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now