Eight: H is for Heaven

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No, you're not in heaven. Don't you need to see someone if you're hallucinating about angels?

Her name was Allura, and she was one of the most beautiful young women on Earth. Not only was she pretty from the top of her pastel-white-blue hair to the tips of her seemly slip-ons, she was also a wonderful librarian who was always ready to help. She worked on the upper floor, in the adult section, after her graduate classes. Shortly after hiring her, the library gained a few more members, namely in part Mr. Takashi Shirogane and one Grace Li. Grace from Math, of course, joined because Allura was much more active than the previous librarian (a sweet little old lady), so she wouldn't feel guilty when she asked for help with finding books. Shiro, on the other hand... well, it would be impolite to assume. He was a man of high integrity and sound morals.

Either way, Keith found himself confiding in her on a quiet Monday afternoon. Lance apparently hadn't bothered changing after Phys Ed and had instead run straight to Shiro's room for a private conference. Keith doubted it was educational.

"He's so stupid," Keith sighed. "First he flirts with me, and then he complains when I point out that he hesitated to say we're friends. What kind of guy does that?"

Allura looked up from her paper. "If I'm not mistaken, you did the same."

Keith lowered his head and rest it on her desk. "I don't know what to do. I can't help but smile."

"Tell me about it. It is also difficult to stop oneself from blushing."

The familiar clicking of her typing soothed him somewhat. "Blushing? I don't do that. Not usually."

"Oh. Well, I suppose I should have expected that."

"How often does Shiro come to the library?" Keith mused. "Lance was talking about it, and he's almost never here."

Allura tilted her head. "Shiro? Who is that?"

"Takashi Shirogane? Tall, buff, black and white hair? Scar on his nose? Alias Space Dad?"

"Oh- oh, him. I see. Well, ah, he comes... um, he comes to the library once every week. He finishes books rather quickly. He appears to have, to have... a lot of free time on his hands, yes," Allura tittered. "Why do you ask?"

"Nothing. I was just wondering why you mentioned blushing."

She took a sharp breath. "Don't you dare say anything, Mr. Kogane, or I swear I will tell Lance what you said to me today."

Keith lifted his head and his hands. "Woah, woah, slow down. I wasn't going to say anything. He's my teacher; why would I?"

"If you say so. I assume you know that revenge is a dish best served cold," Allura clicked out of her paper. "While you're here, is there anything I can help you with? A particular book you'd like, or a subject?"

He put his hands in his pockets. "My mom's on my case about my 89 in Physics, so I guess you can help me find something on that."

"General Physics, or something specific?" she stood and went around the desk, already guiding him to the nonfiction section.

"In general, sure. I just need something to make my mom think I'm studying."

Allura turned to look at the people coming up the stairs before finding him an educational-looking paperback. "This one is slimmer, but it has a good section on shortcuts for Trigonometry. Hello, Lance and... Mr. Takashi, was it?"

"You can just call me Shiro," the man smiled.

"Are you here to return or borrow anything?"

Shiro gestured at Lance, who was purposely avoiding Keith's gaze. Come on, he had made such an effort to lift a hand and even smile at him! "Not this time, but thank you. I'm bringing Lance to a place where I think he can relax and maybe study a little."

"So you're here so little even Shiro has to drag you here?" Keith quipped in hope of a reaction. He received nothing but a disinterested "yeah".

"I see. Is he having trouble in class?" Allura peered at him. "Lance, is there anything you'd like to look at?"

"I'm... not having trouble in class. I dunno what I'd read, either," he lifted his head.

Keith scanned the room for other patrons; there were none. He scowled and stepped in front of Lance. "What is it? We didn't argue that badly. Is someone spreading gossip about you? Did someone steal your stuff or insult your family? I have a 60% chance of being able to kick their-"

Lance started laughing. "Nah, nah. I was just down for a day. No kicking anywhere, especially not in front of Space Dad."

"Hug it out, boys," Allura whispered. Shiro nodded.

"Let's have a group hug," Keith suggested. It would be weird to suddenly hug Lance. Guys didn't hug. They did that bro thing that Shiro had had to teach him during lunch one day.

"Okay. Group hug," Shiro announced. "If it makes you more comfortable, let's do it."

Somehow, they performed a group hug without anyone's arm getting in someone else's face. Keith took a deep breath of whatever Lance smelled like. It was reminiscent of Keith's grandfather. Allura broke the hug so she could sneeze. The group shared a small laugh.

"That's better," Lance chirped. "I feel a lot better now. Thanks, Space Dad. And, Allura?"

She folded her hands behind her. "Yes, Lance?"

He winked and finger-gunned at her. "I must be in heaven, 'cause I think I see an angel."

Allura covered her mouth. "Oh, don't flatter Keith. He's no angel."

Of all people, Shiro chuckled at their expense, not bothering to hide his amusement like Allura. The librarian flushed with a gleam of pride as Lance and Keith vehemently denied her insinuation.

Behind them, Grace from Math came up the stairs. "Hey, it's you who had the chicken and rice. Hi, Mr. Dad. Hi, Allura. How was your day?"

"It was lovely, thank you. Can I help you?"

"I'll look through everything myself, thanks," she brushed past Keith with a snicker.

Allura coughed. "Now that that's settled, is anyone up for coffee? If your parents are alright with you staying out, of course."

Without much thought, Lance shrugged. "There's a teacher convention thing tomorrow. Homework can wait."

Well, then, Keith didn't have an excuse not to go.


Image: Allura in this AU, perhaps; drawn 13 September 2017.

I decided to give y'all an extra chapter as an apology for updating so late and falling off-schedule.

A, You're Adorable (Klance) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now