First Day - Chapter 1

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Marinette flung open the door to her school. She smiled and walked in, waving to everyone like she was a movie star.

"Hello everyone, I'm Marinette, and I will be the most popular girl you will ever meet!" She cried.

The teacher slowly looked up from the board. "I'm in the middle of a lesson, your 13 minuets late."

"And?" Marinette yelled, rolling her eyes. She looked across the room, and saw a girl with brown hair and glasses. She thought she looked cool, and sat next to her.

"Geez, you could have told me you were gonna sit here," said the girl.

"Yeah, well, I am now." Marinette said. "Who are you?"

"Alya," The girl replied. "And you are-"

"GIRLS! Are we done chit-chatting?" Yelled the teacher. "One more peep and that's detention for you..."

Some boy up front laughed.

"...and you will be joined by Adrien Agrest." The teacher pointed at the boy upfront, the one who laughed out loud.

The boy- Adrien - rolled his eyes and didn't say a word. He propped his feet up on the table and leaned back, putting his hands on the back of his head.

Some attitude he had.

Marinette shut her mouth, but she wanted to give that kid Adrien a piece of her mind.

"Ah, keep your eyes off him, girl," Alya warned. "He sure is hot, but you aren't the only one to think that. If your the most popular girl, than he's the most popular boy."

"Heh," Marinette says. "I wasn't thinking anything close to that. I wasn't just thinking about punching some sense into him."

"Girls!" The teacher yelled. "Enough!"

"Sorry, lady," said Marinette, ending the conversation.

The teacher continued her work. "Now, you will open up your books to page 52..."


Some time after class ended, marinette tightened her ponytails and walked over to Adrien. She had to admit, he was kinda cute. His hair was as gold as sand, and he seemed to always be happy. Well, more like an annoying I'm-happy-because-I'm-better-than-you happy.

Marinette slamed her hand on his desk. "Listen here, Adrien, I don't like that attitude around here." She leaned in real close, giving a deadly glare. "I'm more richer than you, more prettier than you, and most likely more popular than you even if I am a 'new student'"

"Ooh boy, she just told you off!" Cried Alya. Marinette liked that girl already.

"Listen, you can't do anything about it," mumbled a shy unknown voice behind Marinette. "He does this all of the time."

"Heck, what do you know, Chloe?" Said Adrien.

Marinette turned around to look at the girl. She was looking down at her feet, not showing her eyes. Her hair was in a sloppy ponytail, and she clearly had no fashion sense what so ever. Her hands were playing with her nails, regretting her speaking up in the first place.

"Sorry, Adrien." She said meekly.

"Ugh, you do this all of the time! Don't you know this kind of thing gets old around here?" Scoffed Adrien. "Listen, why don't you just cut yourself some slack and move away."

Wow, this guy was really rude.

"Um, excuse me, who said that?" Said another voice.

"I did," replied Adrien not looking up from his phone. "Got a problem with that?"

Some girl, with red hair and glasses, came up, and stared at Adrien. "You again?" She replied. "Fine, I'll have to teach you this the hard way. You don't say stuff like that."

"Alright, Sabrina, if you insist." He puts down his phone, and for the first time, Marinette sees his eyes. Okay, maybe he is a little hot. He stood up, and he pushed everyone out of the way.

"Fight!" Cried his friend, Nino. "Fight, Fight, fight!"

Soon all of the class joins in, and even Marinette starts to get a little hyped. As soon as Adrien slams his books on the desk and whips out the first punch, the teacher walks in, dropping her books in surprise

"What on earth?" She cries. "Detention! For you, you, you, and you!" She points to Adrien, Alya, Nino, and Marinette.

"But I didn't-" protests Marinette, but it's too late. The decision is made.

On her first day in Paris she has detention.

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