Dates Before School- Chapter 5

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Marinette woke up inter-twinned with Adrien, her beating heart touching his. She slowly rose up in her bead, yawning and rubbing her eyes. The sun blasted through her windows, resting on her eyes. She suddenly remembered what happened last night, and realized Adrien must have accidentally  fallen asleep in bed with her. She slowly blinked and casually glanced towards the clock.

9:23. Thursday, March 1st.


She brushed her hair out of her face and slightly shook Adrien. He slowly opened his eyes and moved the sheets out of his way to see Marinette more clearly. He smiled and brushed through his golden hair with his hand. "Well, good morning my prin-"

"We are missing school!" she interrupted, jumping out of bed, gripping his hand. Adrien fell to the floor, creating a loud thump.

"School? Who needs that?" Adrien replied, still stuck halfway on the floor and halfway in bed.

"Uhh, my parents might be rich, but that doesn't mean I will be rich too. I have to work hard to earn money!"

"Oh, so modeling is such a hard job."

"Shut up Adrien!" yelled Marinette, but she was giggling while she said it.

"It's just one day. It won't matter."

"Come on."

"I'll tell Nino and Alya to skip and we can all go to the park." Adrien said, getting up and sprawling all over the floor, chest facing up.

Marinette smiled.

"Nah, it's okay," she said, touching Adrien's nose. She sat cris-cross on the floor next to Adrien, looking twoards the window. Her skin felt the warm wood as she cuddled up next to him. "I want to go by ourselves for our first date."



"So, your my-"

"Girlfriend? Yep." Marinette moved her hand over his chest, and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Alright, I'll take you somewhere, but I want food first." Adrien declared.

Marinette sighed, and shook her head. "Fine."


The two were walking down the glamorous Paris streets with the sun beaming down on them. The sky was blue, and the weather was perfect. Marinette was smiling with her cute smile, and Adrien gave her a kiss. They were happy. This was the first time Marinette felt like she belonged.

They were sitting on a bench with ice creams, when suddenly they heard a scream.

An akuma.

"What? Now?!" Screamed Adrien.

Marinette jumped up. I don't want to leave! I was so happy, she thought.

"You know what?" Marinette asked. "Who gives a crap about that akuma. Sucks to be them, they shouldn't have gotten mad in the first place. We are having fun!" She flopped back into Adrien's arms and smiled. Adrien ate his icecream with Marinette in his arms.

But with the akuma, nothing was quite as pleasant.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2018 ⏰

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