Kwamii - Chapter 3

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Days flew bye. Adrien had so much feelings for Marinette, now was the perfect time to tell her everything.

When Marinette finally got home, she invited Adrien in. It was just him and Marinette now; Alya and Nino went home. This was his moment. This was where he would tell Marinette everything!

He walked into the restaurant, with the whole room booming with people. He smelt exciting smells, he saw beautiful food, and he heard wonderful music. All around you could hear clinking of sliver wear, and people talking loudly. No wonder Marinette looks so pretty, her dad was rich! He had to shove through a lot of people, but when he finally got to Marinette's room, he was not surprised. It was huge.

Popstar posters everywhere, of big bed, big windows, wooden floors, walk-in closet's, big mirrors, and a wonderful rug made her room look so cozy, yet it was so big. The room color was white, and the floors are brown, but everything else was a silver-blue. Her bed was a silver-blue, her dresser was a silver-blue, her desk... Everything was a light blue.

When Marinette plopped down on her bed, Adrien did too. This time, he was going to sit a little bit close. But when he did, he sat on somthing.

"Ow, what was that?" He pulled out a small brown box with some ancient text on it. When he looked over at Marinette, she had too the same box on her lap.

"Whats this? Did you bring this here?" She asked.

"No, I thought this was yours." Adrien replied.

"Well, it's not. But it shouldn't be in my room in the first place so we might as well open it," She snarled. "It's an ugly box too."

The two both opened the box at the same time, to reveal a silver ring and red earrings. Adrien looked again. Earings? Sweet, he needed some new ones. But these, they looked... childish. They had ladybug print on them, and he didn't want to make Marinette think he was childish.

"Oh my gosh!" Marinette said, looking over at Adriens earnings. "Those would be so cute on you! Put them on!"

So Adrien did.

And he looked like an idiot.

Adrien sighed. "Well, what the heck. Can I put my hair into pony tales to finish the loo-"

He couldn't finish his sentence, because he was rudely interrupted by a flying bug. A red, talking, flying bug.

"AHHH!" screamed Adrien and Marinette in sync. Marinette, in total shock, scrambled of her bed and against the wall, screaming her head off. Adrien, on the other hand, stuck his hand and started pointing at the bug.

"What are you?" He curiously asked the floating kwamii.

"I'm Tikki, and that was a really rude first impression if I say so myself." Replyed Tiki.

"Uhh.. okay. Nice to meet you! My name is Adrien, and this is my girlfriend, Marinette," said Adrien, pointing to the girl curled up in the corner.

"GIRLFRIEND?" She shrieked.

"Well," said Adrien, smiling, "Soon to be." He turned back towards the Kwamii.

"Well, that's handy dandy, but I don't care at all about your love life. All I need you to do is go out and fight the evil people of paris." Said Tiki. "Oh, and blue-haired freak in the corner, put on your ring so you can fight too."

Marinette obeyed. She pulled out her ring from the box, and slid it on her finger. Shocked, she opened her eyes wide to see a floating black cat. This time, Marinette couldn't say anything, her jaw was dropped and her hand over her chest.

Now she had the kwamii too.


"So, I think I understand all of it. I'm a super hero named Point Rouge, who represents a Ladybug," repeated Adrien. "And I have the power to create things, and I'm trying to save the world with my partner-"

"- Chat Noir. I represent a cat, and I can destroy things," finished Marinette.

"Smart, you learn quick," replied Tikki.

"It still sucks I have a girl as my master, though." Mummered Plagg.

"What?" Yelled Marinette. "Trust me, I will be the best master you will ever have. I'll show you!" She stomped her foot.

"Plagg, claws out!"

Following her footsteps, Adrien did the same.

"Tikki, spots on!"

And off the superheros went to there first mission.


A/N Hello to all my beautiful readers! I know I only have 20, but that's so much to me! Thanks for reading! I love each and everyone of you!

If your wondering why Adriens name is Point Rouge instead of Ladybug, it's because I simply didn't think Ladybug would match his personality. If you are wondering what Point Rouge means, it's Red Spot in French. I thought that would be better for him. Do you think I should change Mari's name? If so comment!

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