hey. you wanna learn a art secret?

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So. I've always talked to just starting out or beginner artist ( I honestly see myself as still a semi beginner but I'm improving) and some are of course still trying to understand art! So imma give you a good o'l tip.

As you may have seen from my style, it's normally sparkly. Upbeat. Or have a vibrant colors sceme. Now to most they are thinking 'yesh, I love the colors!' did you ever ask yourself why? The first color that attracts the eye is Red. That comes normally before any color! ( Unless your color blind. Then I suppose different colors speak to you)

You see. Let me show an example

This piece here I did has many colors

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This piece here I did has many colors. Tell me, what colors do you see?


Tell me the colors you saw in the comments section and see if you guessed some right. The colors in the drawing are-




Light peach orange

Light blue

Dark blue






And slight black!

Did you get it right?

I specifically chose these colors to help make my drawing stand out. Even the shadowy places too.

If your drawing digitally or even tradisonally. Never pick colors that are confusing! Too many colros at once and actually irritate the watcher's eye and cause them to lose interest in the drawing. As they have no place to rest their eyes or figure out what your motives are.

If your picking colors, I suggest complementary colors ( look up the definition if your curious) they work very Well and don't be afraid to add alittle Red too. It helps I promise.

Another tip is always have a light source. Depending on your drawing! In my drawing above..my light source was downward! Making the tree stand out and look Luminous!

If you ahve any questions please let me know and I'll be happy to answer!

CloudeMoon9, out!

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