How much of an impact am I?

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So, I texted a friend on my message board whom.i haven't seen in quite some time. It was a great pleasure to speak to her and she made think about something. I've inspired and affected alot of people wither it be good or bad. ( I'm hoping it's good or the best good to my ability) and, well I wanted to ask you guys, personally, how do.i affect you guys?

Heck I don't even see myself as much of a professional artist there are many whom are much better than me. But I like using my art to make others smile and's almost my own way to share my emotions with others.

So if you could, can you guys answer this. I want to know What I do that..well makes me inspirable! Wait, is inspirable even a word?


Well it is now! Cloude stamp approved on the new word inspirable XD

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