Cloude went to State V.A.S.E Art competition!

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Heyo guys, I know I'm not on all the time. Watty has been a butt and won't always let me update. But I have wonderful news.

Just last weekend, I went to a state art Competition for an event called V.A.S.E ( if your not sure what it is look it up) there was a massive number before that entered for VASE and from that Few they were selected for State. That State group of people was 250,000!!

Out of the 250,000, another few was selected for the highest rank. A Four.

And my art piece got one ^\\\\\^ only three from my district got a four. So far from what I know. That group will be selected for internationals! And may even get a hold sceel! (A gold medal and certificate basically)

This is a great owner and I'm honestly surprised! But..I know my grandfather would be proud for how dar I've gotten and how I can continue his legacy of being a awesome artist. ^^ I hope he's watching from heaven >\\\\\∆\\\< but anyways, I wanted to thank you guys for your support and love to get me there and support me. I hope in the future this means greatness for me! Here was the drawing piece that was Selected and got a rank 4 above!

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