Chapter 2

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Moose's POV
We were heading to Sharks apartment. I was worried. I wasn't sure if Jay was. He was schooling his facial expression to look calm. I was never able to do that.

I saw his apartment come into view. I looked back and blinked. All the animatronics had turned into human versions of themselves. Their forms flickered into them as animal animatronics then back to human.

I stopped and asked "Uhh guys, how are ya doing that?"

They stopped and stared at me, before crying child came up to me and said "they have little butten things that make a noise and make people see them as more human."

I blinked in surprise. I didn't know there was that type of technology.

"Okay then... is there a way to not look like that to us?" Jay asked all of a sudden. I jumped. I didn't realize he had moved beside me.

Crying Child's dad shook his head no.

Jay sighed and I motioned for ya to keep moving. When we got to the door of his apartment I turned around and told everyone to stay there. Me and Jay would talk to him.

They all nodded and sat down in front of the house.

I walked up to the door with Jay beside me. I rang the doorbell and we waited. We heard footsteps and a tired and sad "I'm coming in coming. Hang on."

The door opened and we saw Shark standing there. His onesie was in disarray. His hood was sliding off, his arm was unstitched, his foot didn't have a onesie sock on it.

He saw us and froze. Jay was the first to move. "Shark?" He asked, stepping forward. "Are you okay bud? Can we come in?" He nodded shakily and we went inside. He closed the door and walked further inside. "Colleen." He suddenly called out, "some of my friends came over. Are you in the living room?" We heard a faint 'yeah' and Shark motioned for us to follow him.

We went into the living room to see a redhead trying to wipe tears away. We gave her space and didn't say anything. When she finished wiping tears away she took a shakey breath and said "T-thank you for that." She coughed. "W-What are you here for?"

Me and Jay were silent before I decided to go for it. "We," I started nervously " umm got a sorta note, that said you could answer some questions we have." They tensed up noticeably. "We uhh, have been battling animatronics, and we're almost taken down by all three of the main bad guys, when someone saved us. When we got back to our base there was a note saying that you could explain more and that there was more enemies than just our three. You guys know anything about that?"

The looked at each other nervously and sadly before Shark sighed and said "Me Colleen and... Sabre... worked at a animatronic pizza place down the road. There's... a lead animatronic who wants to kill us. The boss is weird too. Sabre... disappeared there and-" Shark burst into tears and Colleen ran over to comfort him. "And" Shark continued "we gotta go back tonight!" He started sobbing again. Me and Jay looked at each other before nodding. Knowing what the other wanted to do. "We'll help you guys" we said at the same time "we need to figure out what's going on."

Shark and Colleen looked at us weird. "guys..." Shark started "did you guys know you spoke at the same time?"

We smirked and nodded.
"We" "figured" "out" "we" "could" "do" "this" "a" "while" "ago." "Its" "fun" "to" "do" "to" "troll" "people." Me and Jay finished.

Shark and Colleen were staring at us with wide eyes. We couldn't take it anymore and burst out laughing.

Shark and Colleen chuckled a bit then said "you guys really want to come with us? It's dangerous."

"Danger is my middle name my friend" I said using my Russian accent. Everyone looked at me weird but shrugged it off.

"Okay." Shark said. "So tonight you guys will come with us, but right now tell us what happened."

I glanced outside and said "before we do that, can we bring our friends in? Their animatronics, but heir on our side. It's gonna rain and I don't want them out there in the rain. It's not good for them."

Shark and Colleen looked on edge but nodded. Jay got up to bring everyone in and I was alone with Shark and Colleen.

I started tapping my foot slightly in nervousness. What if they asked questions I didn't want to answer? Questions Jay hasn't even asked. Something happened to me in the park, and I'm worried. I know what happened, but Jay doesn't. Nor does anyone else. I'm worried about what they'll say if they figure it out...

Jay came back in and we talked about what happened in the park. Me leaving our kidnapping out of it. I don't think Jay even knows what happened that night... what I had to do to keep him safe... what I had to let them do to keep him safe...

Sorry it's been so long guys! I've been sick and then my forearm bone got bruised. I'm in Colorguard, and my arm got whacked really hard by a flagpole. It's not broken, but it hurts like hell. But yeah. Will try to work on books again but it will take even longer since I'm basically using my one thumb to type. But yeah. HAVE AN AWESOME DAY PEOPLES!!!

Words: 938

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