Chapter 7

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Jay's POV
I was laying on my bed. I couldn't sleep. The image of that body was burned into my mind. I couldn't get the image of Moose covered in blood out of my mind either. Moose had always seemed so innocent, I always protected him in school. When he could do, that. Murder. So, so easily.

I was thinking more when I heard a creak of Moose's bed. I opened my eyes a sliver to see Moose looking around. He looked both pissed and worried.

He came over to my bed and looked down. He seemed to be watching me with sadness. He whispered "I'm so so sorry. None of this should have ever happened to you. Father should never have brought you into this. He should have just messed with me. Never you." He shed a few tears that for whatever reason looked darker than normal and left the room.

I waited a couple seconds and got up to follow him. I had my suspicions about what had happened to Moose when we were kidnapped. He seemed to careful about normal stuff. It reminds me of when Golden Freddy was still new to the group. As one of the stronger animatronics at the time he would lift boxes or other animatronics and would lift them too fast, as if he didn't know his own strength. Moose acted like that.

I followed him slowly. Moose had left the house, and was walking down the street. Head down, hoodie over his head. I followed in the shadows.

He got to the nearby park and sat on the bench with a heavy sigh. I was about to walk to him when he stiffened and said "what do you freakin want you psychopath."

I heard a evil laugh and heard PG say "well Moose. I just wanted to check in since you KiLlEd My FuCkInG sOn"

Moose laughed slightly. "It was rather easy actually. I should probably thank you for that, but oh. Wait. I won't. Never you son of a-"

"Well, Well well. Such course language my boy. I'm proud."

"Go to hell. Oh wait. You can't. You can't ever leave. That's your curse for killing so many people." Moose snarled out.

PG growled. "Remember what i did to you. I can rip your entire life away so very quickly. And if you don't care about yourself, well, what about poor little Sabre, i hope you didn't think we didn't know about Sabre confiding in you. He isn't the only spy we have."

I tensed up. Sabre was a spy? And what was PG talking about, what he did to Moose? And what was all of that about family and stuff?

"And your little Jay. How innocent. He was the mistake in the plan. He wasn't supposed to be with you in the park. It was supposed to be you. But it turned out even better. He's the one thing you care about. I saw you when you were younger. You would throw away friends as if they were dirt to get what you wanted. You didn't care about their feelings. All you cared about was yourself. Then I saw you in the park with Jay. You seemed to actually care for him. And you do. What happened yesterday showed that. Any of your other friends could have gotten hurt too, but you only cared for Jay. That's why I use him to control you. You actually care for him and know I would actually carry out my threats."

Moose growled while I thought about that. Did he seriously care about me that much?

Moose looked about to say something when I felt a hand cover my mouth and a hand grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back. As the person pushed me out of the trees I heard the buzz of VF. My eyes were wide, I was confused and scared.

Moose turned at the noise VF made grabbing me and his expression darkened. He growled and PG and VF laughed.

"Let... him... go..." Moose growled out. He looked like he was shaking. And his eyes looked like they were glowing red.

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