Chapter 3

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Sorry for how long it's been since I last updated guys. Here's a long chapter. Enjoy. 2285 words

Sabre's POV
I was so hurt. I shouldn't have come back. Chipper hated me already, leaving made it worse. I took a deep breath then coughed out some oil. Ugh.

I heard the door open upstairs in the building. Well then. I gotta get ready to... betray my friends... sigh

Moose's POV—earlier that morning—

I woke up from my dream-or nightmare. I was shaking. I just went through the entire thing again. From our kidnapping to our escaping. I thought back on it and noticed things I didn't notice in the moment.

Me and Jay were walking around the park, weapons out, scouting. We had no animatronics with us, which was a bad idea but we didn't care. It was too quiet though.

"Hey Moose" Jay said "it's too quiet."

"Yea, it is" I murmured back, looking around us. I saw a shadow behind us and yelled "JAY" right before the shadow knocked him out. I tried to jump the shadow but passed right through him. I looked up in fear as a light green glow hit my face. A bat was swung towards my head and I was out.

I woke up in a cage, with Jay in another cage. I looked around and heard "it's time. Moose is up."

I heard a evil chuckle and a "Well let's go pay our guests a visit shall we?"

I froze as Virtual Freddy walked in, along with Purple Guy and Chippers Revenge. As the started walking closer to me though, I started to back up to the back of the cage.

To my horror, they didn't go for me, but for Jay. They were about to open his cage when I yelled "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO US"

VF chuckled and said "we were going to make you watch as we experimented on Jay."

I froze then whispered a "no..."

VF went to open Jays cage again when I said "please don't hurt Jay, you can do whatever you want with me just please don't hurt my brother!" I had tears in my eyes by the time I was finished.

PG looked at me and said "Moose will actually work better VF."

VF nodded and said "fine. You just traded yourself for Jay. We might drop Jay off at your base with a note later. But first..."

CR opened he cage, and PG grabbed me in a headlock. I was frozen, I was scared. PG dragged me down a hallway to what looked like a Laboratory. He dropped me on a table, then strapped my hands legs and head down onto the table. By the time I realized what was happening and started struggling, it was too late.

PG ran several scans, before he walked over to me, with a rolling table full of surgery gear.

I was really afraid now. He knew this. PG was smiling as he walked over. He grinned as he pet my hair, me trying to get him to stop. He looked at me and said to the doorway "sadly it would be better if he was out. No pain filled screams for us."

I heard VF sigh and say "sure. Go ahead. But I want to watch."

I froze as PG loomed over my head, he grinned down at me and said "now, I could use something else to knock you out, but it wouldn't be as fun. We do want a pained scream before this is over. He lifted his crowbar and started hitting it on my chest. I screamed in pain as I felt ribs break. I was just about passed out when I heard "let's get started boys, new one coming right up!"

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