Chapter Nineteen: Mom-tervention

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Sera is fresh out of the shower and getting ready for bed when her necklace pulses at her throat again. Her heart begins beating wildly; her fingers reach for her phone.

The bedroom door unexpectedly opens. Slowly at first, skeptically slow. Sera jumps. Ready to defend herself at any cost, she crouches on the bed against the wall prepared to pounce. The door continues to open until...

Bianca Cross walks into the room. One look from her mother is all she needed to see that she overreacted. Then she caught sight of her reflection in the mirror: Her hair quaffed in a fallen bun, her mascara still slightly smudged from the shower, and the crazed look in her eyes finally causes her to soften.

"Oh, Sera," are the only words her mother mutters before she pulls her into her arms and strokes her hair like she used to do when she was a child.

They sat like that for almost an hour while Sera mentally put her life together again. "I'm sorry Mom." Sera wipes away a remaining tear with her finger.

"It's okay, I am first and foremost your mother." She sighs—a sigh that tells her there is more, "To be honest, we expected this break down. We just expected it to come a while ago with that break-up of yours. Only, it never came. You dove into work, you spent nights correcting papers with me in the living room. To be perfectly frank, this melt down is a long time coming. Just... don't let it define you. Get it out and move on."

"What if it's not something you can move on from?"

She gives Sera a stern look like she's trying to read her mind, "Then you adapt, don't let things get to you. Especially if you have no control over them."

Sera wants to ask her a million more questions, she wants to spill her guts, but the words Psychic Anna told her still resonate, If you love her, keep her out of this.

She can't involve her mother. She will do what she was instructed. She will adapt. She will get better. Things will change. "Okay, no more mopey-Sera."

"Don't get me wrong, the running is paying off dear, but coming home at all hours of the night and eating all the food in the house is starting to make me think your taking drugs."

Sera laughs, Bianca shoots her that look that warns her she sees nothing funny with this matter.

"You think I'm doing drugs?" Again, she can't control the giggles.

"Are you high right now?" Her mother's eyes tear into her.

"What? No!"

"Well, Hun, the appetite, the weight loss, the paranoia—your father and I are just... worried."

Sera covers her face with her arm, "Dad thinks this, too?"

"There was a conversation. We weren't judging you, we are just worried."

"Mom, I'm not on drugs," she announces, but what else would becoming half-Angel compare to? Nothing Sera could ever put into words. She's not proud of it, but she even debated letting them think that she was on drugs for a second. In the end, she decides against it. Sera refuses to have her parent's view of her tarnished.

"Is there anything you want to talk about?" Her motherly instinct is on overdrive today.

"No. It's nothing to worry about Mom." She hoped that was the truth, but something deep inside knew it was a lie.

Bianca pauses for a second, waiting for Sera to reconsider. "Okay then, get some sleep dear."

"Goodnight Mom."

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