Actor#Crush x Actress#Reader Part-4

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Y/n's POV

"Its right here." He took my hand and placed it on the left side of his chest...

His heart was beating, beating very fast...

"Huh?" I looked at him dumbfounded...

"Y/n. I... Uh... I know... Sigh! I know you love me. As a brother. But please. Let me say this! I love you, not as a sister but as a girl youself. Please! You dont have to... I mean... Push yourself. If only we can share the relationship we had. Brothers and sisters. No problem. But i want you to know my feelings for you." His grip went harder on my wrist. I kept my head down... But...

"I... I... Im sorry, Danielle. I really thought of you as brother not as a..." There was a pause of silence... Finally, i had the courage to make eye contact with him again...

"Danielle. I dont think we can have our brother-sister relationship anymore. I... I... Cannot be in touch with you anymore. Im sorry." I forced myself free from his grip and turned to step inside my house... I was stopped by a pair of arms wrapped around me... I widened my eyes...

"Please, dont, y/n! Please! I wish i could've taken back my words! I shouldn't have said that! Dont leave me!" He shouted...

I turned around to look at him and took off his arms...

"I didn't say i will leave you, you will always stay to be my friend. And so will I. But for now i... Need time. Alone." And with that i left him...

Narrator's POV

"Y/n..." Danielle's words trialled off in a low voice...

"Y/n. Y/nn!!" He shouted... Tears brimming over his red cheeks...

You could hear him, and covered your mouth with your hands and started crying as well. I think... I think i lost my only friend, a brother, who accepts me for who i am. Not some fancy, popular actress but as a normal girl...
You thought heavily... And felt the push of regret...

Time flew to night...

Dinner was dull as well as you were... You shoved this untouched food to d/n's plate while he/she gulped it up...

You went up to your room and plopped face-front onto bed... You faced sideways and saw the f/c gift box and the roses beside. You sat up on bed and took the box and opened. There were many chocolates and candies... But of all was another box, smaller than the previous one. It contained a necklace and a letter...

Within it-


I am glad i could spend another birthday with you again. Being honest, me always being with you is quite enough for me. As a brother, i love you. Promise you won't leave me? Thanks. I knew i could trust you.

Love your brother,


Tears started to fill but you held them back. You picked the necklace and it had a resin pendant. In it was a heart shaped thingy and was labelled Love. Now the tears were too much. You cried your lungs out and left the night alone in sleep, through tears...

Danielle's POV

"You rejected not only my love but also my love as a brother? I shall have you back by force or my name won't be Danielle Hills. Y/n L/n. You shall know me no more as a friend nor brother. I shall be the one who forces you to come back." With a chuckle, i made my mind...

Next day~~~

Y/n's POV

Another dull self. Why does the sun shine so brightly? Why do the birds sing their chirpy song? The flowers dance in the breeze and children express joy through laughter? Only me who seems dull, huh. Well... Its almost boring so lets watch some anime(otaku🙋).

I went down the stairs and turned on the TV. D/n was already there anyways so no budge...

Timeskip brought to you by y/n's swollen eyes

11am in the morning. It was almost afternoon but time sure is pacing like a snail... I was cuddling with d/n while he/she was sleeping...
But in any ways, it was getting boring so i took my phone out and started digging on it...

"I wonder what Danielle is doing now. Let me text him right-" there was a pause. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes...

"Ill take a walk." you changed your mind's subject...

Casuals are quite okay so...

Oversized f/c jumper and jeans with some white vans... I went out with d/n and left the house locked...

I ordered some food at a nearby food stall. Some for d/n as well...i sat down at a nearby bench and ate. I was pretty hungry since i didnt eat neither last night nor this morning. After that i bought f/f ice cream and with that i left the place and it was now already 2:30 pm...


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