Chapter 3

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After everybody was in their rooms, Saito and Lily went to our room. The minute they were in the room she started to scream, all her anger that Lily have swolered down for five years came up. "Why did you leave me, what did I do to you that you didn't wanted to stay with me, you do realise that you can only sleep here, because you are my husband, but when you touch me or do something you will sleep on the couch." She stopped for a minute and started again to scream and also tiers walmed up: "Why Saito, I mean Sarah tolled you what happened to me after you left, I loved you so much, so much that it hurts, I hated you for what you did to me, I hated you!" Saito looked at her with sad eays and said with a sad voice: "I am sorry Baby." Lily looked at him with shook and anger and started to scream more than ever, she didn't even care if she woke up the others: "YOU ARE SORRY, AFTER FIVE YEARS ALL YOU CAN SAY IS SORRY AND THAN YOU HAVE THE DICENTY TO SAY BABY TO ME, I THINK I AM NOT HEARING RIGHT, AFTER OUR HONNYMOON YOU LEAVE ME HERE ALON AND COME BACK AFTER FIVE YEARS AND THINK THAT WE CAN BE WE AGAIN AS IF NOTHING HAS HAPPENED AND ALSO THINK THAT JUST A SORRY WOULED SOLVE EVERTHING." By the time Lily started to get quieter all of the Gusts were standing in the door and listening, Lily went on:" I had enoth, I don't want to talk about this anymore, I will go to bed know and you will sleep on the sofa, I don't want you to sleep next to me tonight and by the way if you want us to be husband and wife again you have lot of work to win my love back, goodnight." She looked to the door and felt sorry in one second and spoke with a guilty voice:" I am sorry, I didn't mean to wake you and that you had to hear this, go bake to bad and have goodnight." They all nodded and went to their own rooms. Saito took with no word the sheets out of the closet and left the room. The minute he was out of the room and closed the door Lily started to cry, she still loved him so much and she felt so bad because she was so cruel to him but she is also so angry at him, but also sorry that she didn't let him explain himself. While Lily was going to bed the others couldn't sleep because they had to think about why Saito did that to her, who was absolutely not like him, he would not do that to any woman aspasely not to the woman he loved most and they could tell he loved her dearly. Hijikata was the last one to fall a sleep because he not just had to think about Saito no even when he just met Sarah and thurdermore was screaming he was interested in her, he wanted to get to know her better, the way she acted do scream het her best friends Husband only to protect her and stand up for her, mad her the more interesting, tomorrow he will try to start an conversation.

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