Book of Secrets

46 1 13

hey! i know it's been awhile and i'll explain why i haven't posted after the story soooo get to it and read!
^^^and this music doesn't really go with the chapter but i love this song, and i live for alternative music so listen to it hun.^^^


So, no nightmare, thank God. Also thank God it's Saturday.

It just hit me, my mother died on my birthday, yet another reason, for birthdays to suck.

I'm not going to physically grieve anymore, for not just my own mental sake but for the sake of my family. I'm going to look into my nightmare and open up that book of secrets. Gosh I got lucky with that book, plus i've just always loved vampires, yea that sounds cliche, I know.

So it's only been about 20 minutes since I first opened up this giant book of secrets and i've already found out more than, as far as I know, any person alive knows.

The queen did have kids, five kids, five, how do you hide that you may ask? Well apparently she sent them off to different parts of the world. That would be all but one. You see, four out of these five kids were, well, are actually, fraternal quadruplets. That's right. Fraternal quadruplets. That's not even the craziest part, get this, they were born December 1, 2036. The exact same day as me, how crazy awesome is that. Well anyway, the fifth child was only 13, born on October 5, 2041. She was born 8 years before the Queen ripped her own cord.

"Come in."
"Are you hungry? We have left over fettuccine from last night after you went to sleep."
"That sounds really good, do you mind getting it for me, i'm just really into this book." That was true. "Sure i'll be back in a minute."

Even though i'm adopted, my dad and I bond the same way, and it seems to work pretty well with us. We don't hover when there is nothing important to talk about. We don't even talk much, but it's never awkward. I think we both just find the silence peaceful, you can just listen to the quiet hum of a fan, or a vent. Or in the car, listening to the tires speeding across the highway, the quiet swoosh of the wind in the background. Peace, what could be better.

My dad brought the fettuccine, he even brought me some water. However i've been so focused on my book that I haven't even had time to eat until now. It's 8 pm. and i've only even gotten halfway through the book, and I read fast.

I'm going to give a very shortened summary of my findings. Vampires are real. The queen was one, and so are all of her kids. Some vampires have special powers, the queen did not. However, she fell in love with the stable boy Alec, who did, which gives a great possibility for at least one of her kids to have some of the special talents. Alec was taken by rouge vampires, the exact day before she found out she was pregnant. At this time she knew her kids wouldn't be save with her so she sent them away. Her royal guard fought and got Alec back, a few years later the rouges found out about the kids and killed the sweet, strong, precious Alec. One week later Angelina found out she was pregnant once again, but knew that if she attempted to send her daughter away she would be caught and they would both be killed. So they stayed.

The really interesting story cut off there and I started to learn about the classes of vampires and how vampires are made.

For all vampires, with the exception of rouges, their last names state their class, not their job but their class. Vampires get their last names from either, their parents, or the vampire who turned them. So from that you can gather that vampires can be born, example, the lost princesses. However, vampires can also be created, this is done by simply biting your victim, letting them sleep for a day, and giving them any form of blood as soon as they awake.

And that would be where I stopped reading about five minutes ago. As much as I would like to read some more, I really need a shower, really.

I just finished drying off and I am now on my way to go watch an old movie Carly had once said was good. I'm typically not the movie type of girl, but I really need a distraction from this whole thing about my mom, and if I start to read anymore, I don't think I would be able to stop.

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