Chapter Twentyfive - Midnight City

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A/N: Holy shit. It's been months since I last did this, and I'm so so sorry! But here's a small update!


Dave and I spend almost the whole week together. I had the time of my life. He showed me more of the city, and I fell in love with it. LA was the most beautiful city I’ve ever been in. Because Dave grew up here, he could show me the best record stores, night clubs and venues. It was a late Thursday night, and we were sitting in a bar with Dave’s partner James. It was my first time meeting James, and I was really nervous.

“So, Katelynn, tell me about yourself. I mean, Dave’s already told me a lot about you, but I want to hear it with your own words” James said with a smile. I let out a small laugh and nodded.

“Well, I’m from Denmark and moved here to Texas two years ago with my former band because we got an opportunity to record an album, we broke up six months ago. I am 24 years old and engaged to Austin Carlile, lead singer in Of Mice & Men.”

“Oh Kate, is it okay I call you Kate?” James asked; I nodded. “You seem like such and interesting person, I would love to get to know you!” James gave me a small hug and smiled at me.

“Now, I would like to have a drink, but first, let me take a selfie!” We all laughed at the reference and posed for a picture.

“Kate, what’s you Instagram?”

“Oh, it’s @katelynnjensen”

Dave ordered three mojitos but I refused to let him pay, not after all he’s done for me. He said it was fine, but I insisted on buying the next round. We laughed, drank, danced, talked until the sun came up. I’ve never had a better time in my life. Suddenly, my phone rings. I wonder who it could be, because none of my friends have talked to me for weeks. On the display, I see Austin’s name. I hurry out of the bar and answer the phone.

“Austin?” I sort of yell because I’m a little out of breath.

“Hey baby.” He says, cold as a stone.

“Honey is something wrong, why are you calling me all so suddenly?”

“Who are the ones on that picture?” My heart drops. Which photo? Is he jealous? He sounds sort of drunk, and that’s not a good thing if he’s jealous.

“Oh, that James and Dave. I’ve met them here in LA.” I play a little dumb just to see what this is all about.

“Are you fucking one of them?” Austin says. I can hear he has a lump in his throat and he’s clearly drunk.

“Austin! You know I would never do a such a thing! Cheating is disgusting, and a person who do this, should be ashamed of themselves!” It went dead silent at the other end of the phone. After some time, I could hear him sniff, and I cooed at him.

“I just miss you so much Kat. I can’t survive without you, I know that for sure now. I just want to see you, kiss you and hold you in my arms for the rest of my life. I want to marry you, have kids with you and grow old with you. A couple of day ago I heard this song, and it just fits so perfectly. It goes sort of like this: ´Grow old with me, let us share what we see; and all the best it could be, just you and I.´ I love you Kat.” I started sobbing. I can’t take this anymore. I want him here.

“Austin, will you please come home?” I managed to get out between my many sobs.

“I can’t right now baby, I still have a few days left of tour. But it’s only five more days.” There was silent for a moment, but then he took a deep breath. “I’m sorry I haven’t called or texted you. I just couldn’t find the time, and I’ve been so stressed lately, I just want to come home and relax with you and the dogs. Watch some television, eat some pizza and have a nice fuck once or twice.” He laughed at the last bit. I must admit that I missed us having sex; it was seriously the best thing in the world.

“I miss you so fucking much Austin”

“I miss you too Kat”

“Call me again later today, will you promise me?”

“Yeah, I will. It was nice hearing your voice Katelynn.”

“Nice hearing yours too. I love you, don’t forget that!”

“I won’t” And then he hung up. I collapsed on the pavement. My legs couldn’t hold anymore. The black hole inside my had grown to a size bigger than me. My craving for him, was bigger than ever. Dave and James emerged from the bar and hurried over.

“Kat, are you okay? We saw you leaving in a hurry, and when you didn’t come back, we decided to look for you” Dave said, kneeling by my side.

I nodded “It’s just that, Austin called and I miss him so much. I can’t take it anymore. He hasn’t called me for weeks and then suddenly, out of nowhere, he calls me and says he misses me and wants to have children with me. I just want to feel his arms around me.”

“It’s all right,” James cooed and I sobbed a bit. “he’ll be back before you know it! Now, let’s go home and watch a movie and eat some ice cream, I feel that’s what you’re in the need for!” They helped me up again and we got a cap to their home.

Their apartment was small and beautiful, not big and clumsy. It was cozy and warm, so we all cuddled up on the sofa and watched ´10 things I hate about you´. It’s my all-time favorite chick flick, and I cry every time I watch it. This time I cried because it reminded me about Austin, the way Kat felt about Patrick, was sort of like Austin and I. I fell in love with him quickly, but in the beginning, there was this thought that he was a prick who lived high on his appearance.  I fell asleep in the arms of Dave and James and slept all the way through until the next morning, or afternoon to be correct.

I woke up with a small hangover and a craving for McDonalds. Luckily, the boys were glad to take me there. I ordered a McChicken and the boys a happy meal for each. I laughed a bit at them, but it was super cute. I ate like a pig, but I really didn’t care. I suddenly remembered the dogs and had to rush home so I could take them out for a run. I parted with Dave and James after they’d drop me of at my house. I opened the door and was greeted by two over hyped dogs, who jumped up and down and licked me in the face. I grabbed their leashes, plugged in my headphones, and ran away.   


Hope you liked it! I'll be updating soon, I promise! I've missed writing so fucking much! I love you guys! So please, vote and comment so I know you're reading this ;)

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