Chapter Twenty-six- ...

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Today’s weather was nice. The sun was up, and only a few clouds on the sky. It’s already been a few days since Austin called, and today, he was coming home. I just couldn’t sit around at home, so I took the dogs out so they wouldn’t be too much for him when he arrived. The dogs were eager and pulling a bit, but I didn’t care. I only had one thing on my mind, and I wouldn’t let go of it. There were many people in the park today, probably because of the nice weather, but also because it was weekend. On the playground there were children sliding on slides and swinging on swing sets, and their mom’s sitting on benches with a starbucks in one hand, and a phone in the other. I felt a knot in my stomach, one day, that was going to be me. Sitting on a bench and looking out for my child, but I knew that now wasn’t the time. I have no job, and my relationship with Austin isn’t that safe. I love him yes, but I still don’t know where it’s going.

In my life, I’ve never committed myself so much to someone. With Justin, it was mostly just sex and fun, and it never got so serious that considered getting married, at least I didn’t. However, with Austin, everything is so much more different. I honestly love him, not like I love my mother and family, that’s a different kind of love, but with my own kind of special love.

I sat down on a bench and released the dogs. They ran away playing, and I closed my eyes taking in the little sunbeam that had appeared between the clouds. I heard one of the dogs bark, bur didn’t think much of it, because they often bark when they play. The sun disappeared, but I kept my eyes closed, waiting for it to come back. I felt something covering my eyes, and my whole body stiffened. Suddenly, I felt a pair of lips on mine, and I recognized the taste instantly. I lashed my arms around the tall body standing in front of me. I felt tears, happy tears, run down my face, and I took in his smell. He was home. I don’t think I’ve ever felt more alive. We stood there for minutes, and enjoyed each other’s embrace, warmth and presence. The blood was pumping through my veins, and my heart pumped harder than a v8 motor. I could feel his heart pumping against my face, and the tears kept falling. Not one of us had said a word. The dogs came running at us, jumping up and down our legs. We broke it and I wiped of my tears and petted them. I stood up, and looked deeply into his eyes.

“I love you Austin,” I said, still affected by the tears. His eyes were a bit red and puffed, so I knew that he had cried a bit too. I didn’t want him to say anything, so I just crashed my lips to his. I had missed the feeling of his lips on mine, I had missed the taste of him, but mostly, I had missed the way he looked at me. He looked at me like I was the only girl in the world, I know it sounds cliché, but it felt good. He took my hand in his, and raised it to his lips. He kissed it, and gave me a smile. He intertwined our fingers, and started walking for our home.

It was weird. Our home. I never really thought of how weird it was, that the two of us lived together. I think mostly it was because he was never home, and I lived there alone, but now he was home, and he was going to stay there for a while. I love Austin, with all of my heart, and I’m sure that I will so that until the end of me.

The end.   

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hi guys! So this is the end. I've worked on this baby for more than a year, so it feels so weird just letting it go like this. It was never my intention to stop it now, but I feel like the story has died a bit for me. I evolved as a writer, and that was my main reason to write this, to become better at writing. I know a lot of you have been following this from the start and I'm so so sorry, but I never update any longer because I never got any ideas or inspiration for this. If any of you have any questions about the characters, feel free to ask, I'd love to answer!  And some response on the story would be great too. FYI, in word, the story is 76 pages long and has a word count on 33321. I love you darlings! And if you want another story, tell me, and I might write one ;)



Ps. I cried a lot, like really, buckets of tears.

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