3. Frustration & Realization

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Justin had never been so frustrated with a player before. It had been almost five weeks since he had started training the team and whereas all of the boys were collaborating perfectly, Louis seemed like he didn't want to coordinate.

It looked like he was doing it on purpose.

Most of the times he wouldn't obey to Justin's directions and usually he would ignore him as well. The older man even tried to punish him by not letting him attend practice for two days, but that only made it worse.

"Louis, for fuck's shake, we've got a game coming up in two weeks. I don't know what's been up your ass the past few days, but get yourself together." Justin shouted at Louis when, instead of passing the ball to his teammates, he ran alone towards the goal, only achieving to reach the defensive line and lose the ball.

Justin had made them split in two teams to play against each other. He purposingly had put Zayn and Gareth on the defensive line of the opposite team of Louis', since they were the best full backs. Louis was the best centre forward of the team and his coach had decided to challenge him. But in the end, it was all a disaster.

"So what? It's a friendly game. It doesn't matter."

Justin was mad after those words. "Louis stay right here. Everyone else, you're free. Go shower and you can go home." They had been playing for about an hour and a half and it was enough for today.

Louis groaned,"Bitch."

"Watch your mouth." The older man said strictly.

"I'm not obliged to obey you."

Justin laughed ironically, "Actually, you are. I'm your Coach and there's nothing you can do about it. Neither can I. If I could, I would just forbid you to be with the team, but that's not my choice."

Louis felt hurt. "I can leave the team if I'm just a pain in the ass for you."

"Then do it." Justin had had enough. "You are our best player, you are the captain for a reason. But I won't tolerate your unexplainable attitude. If you want to keep on training with the team, you'll have to get yourself together. If not, then quit the team. The other guys didn't do anything to you. And they're not here to pay for your mistakes and wrong behaviour."

"I-I... I can't do this." Louis teared up and ran for the changing room before Justin could react or stop him.

Justin was beyond confused. He didn't mean to make him cry and he didn't want to hurt his feelings. He was just strictly explaining what was going to happen. He wanted to talk to Louis, but he knew the boy would never talk to him. Something was bothering the younger lad and it wasn't Justin's fault.

Louis sighed as he wiped his tears after his quick shower. Things had been pretty tough the past week at home and the last thing he wanted was having his coach yell at him. His coach. A guy that came out of nowhere in his life and suddenly meant something to him. He had no idea what that 'something' was, but he was sure that Coach Bieber was important to him.

Really important.

That's why he jumped and his heart skipped a bit when he heard his voice from behind him, while he was still in a towel after his shower.

"Louis, I'm sorry if it came out harsh, but I know something else is bothering you. You can talk to me, you know." Louis wanted to cry again, but he wouldn't in front of his coach.

"It's nothing, really." He shook his head and pushed past his coach to get dressed, but a soft hand on his arm stopped him.

"Louis." Justin looked into his eyes and Louis was ready to faint.

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