5. Hanging Out & Improvement

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Saturdays used to be Justin's favourite day of the week while Olivia was still alive. Since he lost her, he hated them. It was depressing sitting in his paint room all day just drawing portraits of her. Especially now that he had found something he loved to do during the week, Saturdays were like a burden to keep up with his life improvement. He tried calling Liam and Harry and start different conversations to pass his day, but it was still only noon.

Thankfully, his friends agreed to meet him in the park with their babies, giving time to Yolanda and Cheryl to get some rest. They had sat on a picnic table and Justin was playfully making fun of his friends since they had filled the table with bottles, diapers and pacifiers.

Baby Bear was in Liam's arms, being his usual serene, bubbly self while little Joachin was in his stroller, too little to do more than just cry a few times here and there.

"You know Harry told me about that Louis guy, right?" Liam asked out of nowhere and Justin glared playfully at Harry.

"Yes, I'm aware that our friend can't keep anything to himself."

"Hey," Harry whined, "I just wanted to let Liam know you're happy. I wasn't gossiping around."

Justin laughed, "I know, Haz. It's fine, he would have find out sooner or later."

Liam nodded, "Cheryl had told me a few things already, don't worry. Actually everyone has told me except for my best friend."

Justin felt guilty, "I'm sorry, Li. It's just ... you get kind of annoying when you pressure me to find someone new."

"I get it and I have apologized for that too many times, but it wouldn't be nice to lose you. Someone new could make you happy and Louis is the proof that I was right." Liam winked and Justin groaned.

"I hate you two."

"So, tell me about, Louis. What is he like?" Liam asked curiously.

Justin grinned, "He is one of the most carefree people I have meet, his eyes are so fucking beautiful, you have no idea. He has the sweetest voice and he-"

"Is over there." Harry interrupted him wide eyed and with his finger pointing at the boy coming towards them, with Niall and Zayn behind him.

"WHAT?" Justin shouted and was ready to faint as he looked at the boys.

"Well, he is very good looking from what I can tell." Liam exclaimed, earning a smack upon his head from Justin.

"Hey, big bro. Hey, coach. Hello, person I don't know." Niall spoke first when they reached their table and Zayn just waved at them, not looking at Harry, still afraid of him. Harry had already frowned when he saw the couple's interlocked hands.

Liam extended his hand and greeted the boys, introducing himself. He placed Bear in his stroller and took a good look at Louis. He was blushing madly and he was trying to stare at Justin without the older man noticing. Liam smiled.

Harry motioned for them to sit down before saying, "What are you doing here?"

"You told me you'd be here and I thought it would be nice to hang out with you and my nephew." Niall shrugged and went to pick up Joachin, waking him up and it was the first time the baby didn't start crying his eyes out. He just cuddled into his uncle's chest and snoozed.

"Okay, that's just unfair." Harry pouted even more.

"He likes his uncle more." Justin teased him and smiled at Niall.

"Understandable." Zayn mumbled under his breath, making his coach, Niall and Liam laugh their asses off while Louis just sat there biting his lip, trying not to laugh as well.

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