Wrap party {Tom Holland}

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I just realized this story is almost at 300 reads that's incredible. Thank you guys so much you don't know how much it means to me😊

"I can't believe we're done filming" Laura said taking a sip of her drink. "I know I'm going to miss not seeing everyone all the time" zendaya gave me and Laura a sad face.

We were standing in a triangle at the Spider-Man homecoming wrap party. Which was just an outside barbecue with the cast members and lots of other people that made the movie happen.

"Yeah I wasn't even in the film and I had a blast being with you guys" i had the opportunity to be one of toms assistants along with our best friend Harrison, so I could hangout and watch my boyfriend do what he loves most.

"It was great to have another girl on set" Laura made us laugh.

One of the producers came over and started talking to the two about the movie and there characters. I placed my hand on zendaya's arm pulling her attention to me even though the lady was still talking to them. "I'm just going to go see tom all find you later".

She nodded quietly not wanting to interrupt the producer.

I took a few steps and then stopped looking around to see if I could spot tom. After a couple seconds I found him sitting in a chair facing Harrison and Jacob. Of course they were all together I thought.

I walked up from behind him and placed a hand one his shoulder. "Your not trying to steal my boyfriend again are you Jacob" I walked around and smoothly sat on toms one knee.

"I thought about it he is looking pretty good" he replied

"Always" I kissed his cheek. He wasn't wearing anything special just a blue t-shirt and jeans but he did look quite cute.

"So what were you boys talking about" my gaze traveling through the three of them.

"Oh just talking about how beautiful you are" you turned towards tom and he tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. "Oh stop" I said blushing slightly.

"But its true" haz winked at me.

"Hey" tom lifted his hand pointing at him with his cup in hand "watch it, she's mine" tom sent him a mocking warning face. Causing the rest of us to laugh.

"What are you drinking" I asked suddenly feeling thirsty.

"It's a Traditional drink in London" he held his cup out to me so I could try it. I grabbed the cup and took a big gulp of the liquid. I couldn't help but cough as the hard liquid went down my throat. The three boys chuckled at my attempt to drink it. "That stuffs strong" I said after I stopped coughing my statement increasing there laughter.

"It's not for everyone" tom said going to get his cup back.

"No I like it" I moved the cup farther away from him and took another sip.

Once he got the cup back it was empty I hadn't meant to finish it that's just what happened.

"Well I've got to go get another drink" I stood up so he could get up "anyone want anything" he moved his glass around at the three of us. The boys all shook there head there cups still full.

"I want whatever that thing is I just had" my voice excited which got a cute smile from tom "sure love" he responded.

"You better take it easy, darling. Those things are strong" Harrison warned me once tom was already gone.

"Hey are you underestimating me, osterfield" I joked.

"No m'am" he said putting up his hands in defense.

But Harrison was right I drank one of those and a cooler and I was drunk. I had just turned 21 a month ago so I hadn't done much drinking. Meaning they went straight to my head.

It was almost 8 a clock and the only people still here were me, haz, tom, Jacob, zendaya, and Laura.

"Hey do you guys want to play a game of horseshoes" zendaya came over to me and the boys. They were cleaning up plates and garbage while I was dancing around and picking dandelions.

"Ooo a game" I ran up to her and placed my hands in her shoulders and leaned closer to her face "I want to play a game" she laughed at how drunk I was.

"I don't think that's a good idea" toms voice came from behind me as he grabbed my waist pulling me away from zendaya, not that she seemed to mind how close we were.

I turned to face him "please, please" he still didn't seem convinced "pretty please with a cherry on top" I begged.

I'm pretty sure Everyone was having a good time watching me.

"Fine but just for a little" I leaned up and gave him little kisses repeatedly.

The teams were tom, haz and I against Zendaya, Laura and Jacob. Laura threw first, and she was surprisingly good both of them landed around the pole.

I went last right now we were losing 10-7, so I had get both of these around the pole to win. When i picked up the horseshoe I was surprised at how heavy it was.

I took a few stumbling steps forward before throwing it, it didn't land even land half way down the throwing range.

"Awww" I whined and looked over at the boys who didn't care that we lost and stood there with amused faces.

"Ok thats it we lost" tom said.

"Wait I still have one throw" I said excitedly

I grabbed the last one sitting there in the grass. I had to try another approach to throwing it. So i started to spin planning to release it on the third turn but i tripped over my feet and fell over to the side.

I heard laughter including my own and everyone rushed over.

"Ok I think its time I got you home" tom picked me up bridal style.

"Nooo, but I don't wanna go" I cried

"Come on say your goodbyes" he said as he turned and started toward the car and Harrison followed not to far after.

He placed me on my seat and did up my seatbelt. I struggled against him but he won.

Tom gave Harrison the keys and he got in beside me. As soon as we started moving I undid my seatbelt and found the button for the sun roof to stick my head out. As soon as I was up there I was back down.

After a bit more struggling I began to feel way to tired to cause trouble, so I laid down with my head in toms lapped and quickly fell to sleep

Hey sorry I haven't updated in so long I've been super busy and working on lot's of other stuff.

Also sorry this is so bad (especially the ending) I just wanted to update.
Please leave feedback I would love to know you guys think.

Hope you enjoy!!!!!!

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