Rodeo {Tom Holland}

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I rolled over in bed reaching out to feel empty sheets. Tom was up already, I looked over at my clock wow it was almost 11 I really did sleep in. I got up and stumbled out of the room in a tank top And a pair of pyjama shorts a messy bun bouncing up and down on my head.

"Tommy" I called as I walked down the stair case.

"In here darling" the adorable English accent came from the kitchen. And as soon as I stepped onto the main floor the heavenly smell hit my nostrils. 

I wandered into the kitchen to find my beautiful boyfriend putting cinnamon buns on a plate. I wrapped my arms around his waist "mmmm" I hummed from behind him.

I wandered over to the corner of the counter where the coffee pot was sitting and poured myself a cup then walked over to the island in the middle of our kitchen behind the counters. i hopped up on one of the bar stools.

Tom turned around licking icing off his finger as he did carrying the plate to the island.

"Hey guys" Haz walked in the kitchen taking a seat on the stool next to me. he reached across in front of me and grabbed a cinnamon bun off the plate.

"I thought i smelt cinnamon" Harry wanders in next walking around the opposite side of the counter where Tom stoood to grab one.

"So what are you up to today love" Tom asked me biting in to one.

"Don't you mean what are we doing" i smiled.

"I'm going to the rodeo with the boys today"

"oh" i tried to hide the disapointment. "well, i guess all just hang around here, maybe read some of my book". I jumped down from my stool.

"Aren't you going to have breakfast"? He didn't realize anything was wrong, i guess thats a good thing.

"You know what i'm not actually that hungry" i turned and walked back upstairs to our room.


"mate" Haz realized that Y/N was upset when she left, but he wasn't so sure his best friend had.

"Yeah" he responded looking up from his phone.

You gotta go talk to her"

" what why" he was so confused

"really dude" his brother said pieces of food flying out of his mouth.

"What are you guys talking about" confusion distorted toms face.

" she was clearly upset, go up and talk to her" Harrison shook his head.

Still confused tom left the room not wanting to keep Y/N upset longer then needed.

The door was closed so he knocked "baby"

"Yeah her voice called from inside it didn't sound much different if she was upset it wasn't evident in her voice.

"Can i come in"

"It's your room too"

When tom walked in you were standing in front of your vanity brushing your hair.

"is something wrong" his voice was gentle.

Y/N shrugged "no why would i be" you didn't stop to lookat him even though you could see him in the corner of your eye through the mirror.

He walked closer to you, Tom could clearly tell now that something was wrong. He didn't stop till he was inches from you "Y/N stop" he took the brush from your hand placing it on the dresser, and then grabbed both your hands and walked over to sit on the edge of the bed.

Tom sat down and you were still standing there infront of him, your hands were losely hanging infront of you and he was holding them.

He pulled you so close you had no choice but sit on his lap, not that you minded. "whats wrong" Tom pushed a strand of hair behind your ear.

You took a deep breath "I know you need guy time, it's just you just got home and we've bately spent time together. Besides last night, but todsys my only day off before you go back to work, i just wanted to spend it with you. But i understand, really its ok"   Y/N got up and turned to walk away but he grabbed your arm.

"Wait" and you turned back around and he wrapped his arms around your waist. "I'm really sorry i hadn't realized that when i got them a long time ago, all come home early and we can hangout all night. I promise.

"Why didn't you ask me to go with you" he looked up at you surprised.

"uhhh" he was stumped "I guess i just figured you wouldn't want to go"

"have we ever had a conversation about rodeos before."

"nooo" he answered slow and unsure

"Exactly" i nodded at him.

You were no longer upset you pulled away from him, heading to the door feeling very hungry.

He called your name, and you turned around. he was standing now right infront of the bed. "Do you want to come to the rodeo with me"

You smiled "no" you had never seen the boy so confused. you laughed "come on" and you left the room.

Sorry, that was super short and not very good but I just wanted to post something for you guys.

Happy 400!!! Thank you to everyone who reads these it really means a lot.

Comment let me know what you think till next time,

Happy reading😃

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2018 ⏰

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