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I woke up to annoying loud knocks on my door. Can't a girl ever sleep in peace?

"Hello?" I called out in a groggy voice. I pushed my sleep mask onto my forehead and glared at the door waiting for whoever knocked to make their appearance.

"Good morning," a soothing, yet very deep voice said in a nervous tone.

I flicked my glare to the person and just about pulled the covers back over my head. I probably look like a mess. "Oh, Jackson-ah. You're early!" I laughed nervously like Jackson had done just moments more.

He scratched the back of his neck as if he wasn't sure if he did something wrong.

"Oh don't get me wrong, it's fine!" I grinned. "I probably look like a mess though, let me just change quickly."

"Sure. I'll just wait here," he nodded and sat on the edge of my bed as I climbed out of it. He whispered something under his breath that I didn't quite catch as I walked into my bathroom with my clothes safety in my arms.

I studied myself in the mirror. My peach hair was slightly more straight from leaving it down, but my bangs were wavy as usual. My eyes were a little puffy so I held a cold towel to them for a few moments before changing, fixing my hair, applying a little makeup and walking out of the door back into my room.

Jackson was occupied in his phone and I studied his face for a moment. His hair had fallen over his face slightly. His lips seemed to be tinted a mesmerising coral colour, and his tongue stuck out of the side of his mouth as he concentrated on playing a game that involved tapping things that looked like buttons to a song that sounded familiar to me.

I must be easily distracted, because somewhere between studying his lips and fingers moving swiftly he seemed to catch my gaze without me realising.

"You ready?" He asked, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Oh, aha yeah I'm ready," I nodded with a smile.

"Let's go then! Follow me!" He grabbed my hand unexpectedly. I didn't know what to do but it was probably just him being friendly so I left it. Yeri seemed to have already gone out so I quickly texted her saying that I was leaving.

Jackson led me out to a sleek looking black car with tinted windows- still tightly gripping my hand.

He walked over to the passenger side and opened the door, motioning for me to get in. I sent him a thankful smile and climbed in. Jackson appeared in the drivers seat only seconds later.

"So where are we going?" I inquired with a slight confused look on my face.

"You'll see soon," he looked at my over his shoulder and grinned.

This boy is always happy, I swear.

I didn't ask any further questions as I don't like burdening people and I know I'd get annoying really quickly.

Jackson turned on the radio causing him to almost choke on air. A song that sounded really familiar began playing. Something about a 'hard carry?'
OH! It's the song from the game Jackson was playing earlier.

"Hey Jackson do you know this song?" I asked. I mean, the song was really good.

His eyes drifted to me and back to the road. "No, sorry."

"It's from that game you were playing earlier, are you sure?" I asked obliviously.

"Sorry," he gave a sympathetic smile and continues driving, having changed the station to where 'Dope' by BTS was playing.

I shrugged and turned my attention to Jackson singing along to the song at a medium volume. Surprisingly enough, he sounded really good. Definitely idol material.


Around 10-15 minutes later we came to a stop in front of the botanical gardens. It was a nice day out and I was a little surprised Jackson had thought of coming here.

Jackson opened my door before I even had a chance to grab the handle. "Thank you," I grinned.

"So have you ever been here?" He inquired.

"Well I have once when I was younger, but I know it's beautiful."

"Well come on then. Let's go explore."

I followed him through the entrance and was immediately greeted by a flourishing garden. Of course, the entire place was huge. It didn't just have plants though, it had animals, cafe's, carnival rides and other little things.

"Where should we go first?" Jackson asked, cocking his head to the side a little, looking like a child.

"How about we scope out the place in the Ferris wheel?" I pointed to the large structure.

Jackson pursed his lips for a moment, then nodded his head. "Come on then. Hope you're not scared of heights."

I laughed nervously. "Not really, I mean I have a fear of falling out of things, but not heights? Aish, I probably make no sense let's just go," I tried to stop myself rambling.

He chuckled and walked alongside me to the large structure. The wasn't very long, which is actually unusual. Usually it's packed with kids who had skipped school, couples wanting to kiss at the top for good luck, and even lonely people.

We stood in line and waited patiently. "So what'd you and bambam do yesterday?" Jackson asked randomly.

My gaze drifted to him for a second. "Aha, oh well we coincidentally met at a music shop and ended up getting lunch."
"Did he tell you?"

"Yeah he did, he sounded happy about it actually."

Before I had a chance to reply we were ushered into one of the carts. We began moving as soon as we were seated. Jackson sat across from me with a small space separating us. The view was nice though.

"So tell me, what kind of things are you intro?" He asked, sounded genuinely interested.

"Well...I really like watching dramas, mostly just Asian ones. I like Kpop a lot.. I enjoy the regular things like reading, writing, studying of course, cooking, and that's about it," I shrugged.

"You like Kpop?" He questioned nervously.

"Mm," I nodded. "I'm still very new to it but I really like BTS and Seventeen. I've also been hearing about this band Got7, but I haven't had time to check them out yet."

"They're really bad you shouldn't listen to them," Jackson said quickly.


"Yeah definitely. If you wanna listen to someone new I suggest Big Bang," he smirked.

"I'll check them out."

Jackson was about to reply when we felt the cart stop in a place it wasn't supposed to. Jackson's eyes met mine and he looked a little terrified.

Moments later a message was said thought he speakers in the carriages stating the ride had stopped unexpectedly and they expected it to be working in around half an hour.

How does a Ferris wheel just stop working?!

okay || jackson wang - on hold Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon