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Meliodas' POV:

The Demon Realm is a place that people would hate if they weren't brought up to love it. I do though. It feels like home.

It's shrouded in eternal night with blood red moons that make it easier to see than in the day. Black soil, twisted trees with blue leaves, and red water that can be found in pools. Lava is everywhere. You can only get here if you can get past the miasma of Demonic Energy that instantly turns people into monsters. You need Demon Blood or a special tablet to prevent that from happening.

But the thing I love most are the Dragons. Even in this magical word of Demons, Goddesses, Fairies and Giants, Dragons are said to be extremely mythical creatures. Yet they populate the Demon Realm like pigs populate the Human Realm.

I got up early to go visit them. I left a note saying I'd be back soon. When I got there, I walked towards the cave where the Golden Dragons were yesterday. And luckily they were there.

They looked towards me but didn't react. The baby flew over to me and landed on my head again.

"She seems to like you"

"Yeah. She does. I'm glad too otherwise---"

I cut myself off realising that someone spoke. I thought Dragons didn't let anyone near here. I looked around but didn't see anyone.

"I was the one who spoke to you. Not another Demon"

I looked at the male Dragon but stood there shocked. He was talking......to me. 

"You didn't know did you?"

"Know what?"

"That you could talk to us"

"No. I didn't"

"I remember you when you were a baby, Meliodas"

"You do?"

"I do. You were so young though so I don't think you remember it"

"I have no memories of being here because of everything"

"Still, I can't believe that you didn't know you could talk to us. However, like you said you have no memories because of how old you were. So Meliodas, I'm Attor"

"Attor.....it does sound familiar"

"Why did you come back today?"

"Ironically, I read a book in the library about certain people being born with DNA that let's them talk to dragons. I wanted to come back because of that"

"Well I'm glad you did. But you must be confused on why your able to and why you can read the Demon Language but you've never learnt it" 

"You know?"

"I do. Would you like to know?"

"Yes please"

Attor turned towards the back of the cave and I followed. He motioned for me to sit down on a rock so I did. With the baby following me.

The rock was large and made me level with Attor.

"Your mother, she loved Dragons and always played round here with us. She became close with most of us and then because of that she was blessed"


"Yes. It's where a Golden Dragon gives a Demon the traits to talk to Dragons aswell as talk, read and write the Demon Language fluently. When you were born, this was passed to you"

"Then why don't Zeldris and Estarossa have these traits?"

"Because all of the blessing was passed down to you. She died shortly after giving birth to Zeldris but made us promise that when you returned we would tell you this"

"Thanks for telling me Attor"

"You look just like her. Golden hair and emerald eyes. Your brothers look more like your father"

"Heh. Would you mind if I visit often?"

"Not at all. Besides, she seems to like you"

He motioned to the baby. I nodded in agreement.

"She does yeah"

"You saved her yesterday. Why is that?"

"Well it would be cruel to let her just fall wouldn't it?"

"I suppose. But we haven't chosen a name yet. We would be honoured if you could pick one"


"Yes you. Your the only person in here"

"Right" I chuckled. "Well I don't mind"

"The choice is yours, Meliodas"

"Hmmm. How about.......Chumana?"

"It sounds wonderful, now what time do you need to be back?"

"I'm not sure. I left before anyone was up anyway"

"Ah I see. Why don't I drop you back?"


"Of course. Concider it a thank you for saving my daughter"


We left the cave and when we were outside Attor picked me up and put me on his back. Chumana flew up and landed next to me. Attor then flew into the air and started flying around.

I was laughing so much. It was so fun. I asked Attor to stop in front of  Zeldris' room so when we landed that's where we were. He let me climb off onto the balcony and I thanked him.

I heard the door open behind me and Zeldris ran out and stood next to me.

"Can you not do that?! We thought you had left for real!"

"Sorry. I just went to see the Dragons again"

I motioned to Attor and Chumana. Zeldris glanced but then stood there shocked. Attor told me not to tell Zeldris that I can talk to them so I won't. I waved to Attor and thanked him again before he nodded and flew off again with Chumana.

"What was that all about?"

"I visited the Dragons and he dropped me back. No biggie"

"No biggie?! Meliodas how many times have I said that they are hostile?!"

"Well yeah but they like me"

"I think I'm gonna faint"

"Please don't. Look I swear that they aren't as bad as they seem. They're just protective"

"Whatever you say"

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