A Secret Place

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Meliodas' POV:

I got up really early to go and visit the Dragons. Attor was awake but Melusine and Chumana weren't. Attor noticed me and left the cave to speak to me. He asked why I was here so early and I told him.

I told him about Ormr and the dream and everything else I could remember. Attor was quiet while I was explaining. After I had finished was when he talked.

"So you want to know if I know of this Dragon, or if he's even real?"

"That's right. I've wanted to know for ages"

"Well do you know what type of Dragon this Ormr was?"

"He was a Silver Dragon"

"How much do you want to know?"


"Very well. He does exist"


"Yes. However, he isn't in this realm"


"But I know where he is?"

"You do?"

"Yes. But if I take you there, you must promise to keep it a secret. Even from your brothers"

"I will!"

"Very well. When do you wish to go?"

"As soon as possible!"

"I can take you there now if you wish"

"Yes please"

He nodded and then walked towards the back of his cave. I followed and then Attor moved a certain rock. There was a portal behind it. So large aswell. That's why the rock was so big! To cover it!

"What's that?" I asked

"It's a portal that takes you to a realm filled with Dragons, Griffins and other magical creatures"

"No way"

"Let's go"

We went through and I gasped at the scenery. It was beyond words!

(A/N: the pic above is what it looks like)

"In the water is where Mermaids, Water Nmpths, Celpies and even Water Dragons live. The lands are populated by Dragons, Griffins, Unicorns, Pixies and Phoenixs"

"Aren't fairies and Pixies the same thing?"

"No. Pixies are smaller than fairies and have pointy ears where as fairies don't. However, they are more mischievous so be careful"

"Okay. Where should I head?"

"Straight to the north. Ormr lives that way"

"How will I know when I get there?"

"You'll know. Now, before I go, take this"

He dropped a pendant into my hands which then, with a flash of light, changed into a smaller version of itself but with a golden chain.

"What is it?" I asked

"It's a pendant that every clan here has. They give it to the being they believe is trustworthy. Here, the leader of every race has a certain pendant. The leader must choose who they wish to give it to"

"Then why me?"

"You've fairly earned my trust and I know that you would help us if we needed it. Now, anyone who sees you with it won't attack because it shows your trustworthy and an ally to us"

"I see. Thanks Attor"

"Anytime, now this pendant gives you the option to access this realm any time you wish. If your wearing it, all you have to do is think of where you want to be and it'll take you. So take good care of it"

"I will"

"I best be off. Good luck. And if your brothers come to find you I'll cover for you. Remember, they mustn't know of this or the meaning of that pendant"

"Got it"

Attor left and then I looked towards the north. I climbed down the rock we were on and then I headed north. I put the pendant on just so I don't loose it.

I was trying to stay away from crowds

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I was trying to stay away from crowds. I don't want to bring attention to myself afterall. I was walking towards the north not really sure on where to go until I reached a forest. It was large so I had to go through it so I did.

I was walking for what seemed like ages until I heard laughing. I stopped and looked around. Who was it?

It was faint but sounded close. I walked towards the sound, making sure I knew how to get to the path, until I ran into a group of tiny people. I realised they were pixies.

There were five of them surrounding another pixie. It looked like they were bulling her. I know what it's like to be left out by your friends so I felt sad for her.

The other pixies noticed me and quickly flew off. The one they were bullying turned to look at me. I went over and kneeled in front of her. I scooped her up into my hands and smiled.

"Are you okay?"

"I-I'm okay. Thank you mister"

"Are you sure your okay?"

"Yeah. I just won't be able to fly for a bit"

"Why's that?"

"Because they got my wings wet silly! Hehe! Your not from here are you?"

"No. I'm not. I'm here because I'm trying to find someone"

"Not alot of people live here"

"I say person but he's a Dragon"

"Oh! What's his name?"

"His name's Ormr"

"I know where he is! I could show you if you'd like"

"Heh. Thanks"

"You'll have to carry me though. I can't exactly fly"

"That's okay. So what's your name?"

"I'm Lizzie. What's your name?"

"I'm Meliodas. It's nice to meet you Lizzie"

I stood up and put her onto my shoulder. She told me the direction so I started walking in that direction. We got to know eachother and she told me the reason why those pixies were bulling her.

I told her how to get over it and that she should get new friends if they treat her like that which she agreed to. She seems really nice.

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