Been A While

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Elizabeth's POV:


"Did you miss me?"


"Ouch. You hurt my feelings"

"With how you are now, I'm suprised you still have feelings"

"Hey! That's mean!" He pouted

He looked at a lizard thing that was floating above him.

"No I don't want you to kill them Mana"

"What's that lizard thing?" I asked

He sat up right and crossed his arms.

"Excuse me?! She is not a lizard! She's a Dragon and a good friend of mine"

"Okay. Now I know you've lost the plot"

"I have not! You've never believed me, but she's a real dragon"

"She? How do you know?" I asked

"She told me. I would explain but I'm not allowed soo"

The sins pushed past me to stand next to him.

"Really?! That's so cool!" Diane giggled

"Yep! I can talk to them too"

"That's amazing! And you knew they were real too" King exclaimed

"Yeah. Even though some people called me crazy" He glanced at me

"Yeah well I'm sorry that you couldn't get over a stupid fantasy stage. It's not like pixies exist is it"

"Actually they do. I have a good friend who's a pixie. Her names Lizzie"

"You haven't changed at all have you?" Ban asked

"Your forgetting that he's a murderer!" I  exclaimed

"Course I am. It's really fun too! Especially when people get scared seeing me"

"We should hang out sometime" Diane giggled

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"I would.........but I have better things to do than hang out with you"

The sins' faces fell. I was trying not to laugh

"But I thought---"

"What? That I still liked you? Please. I have better friends at home. And besides, with what you did to me when I was young, I would never hang out with you again even if my life depended on it"


"Horrible? I'm flattered. Now if you excuse me, I have to go slaughter some Goddesses. See ya!"

And with that he flew off. I laughed at the sins' faces. They turned to me and glared.

"What? You looked so gullible" I asked

"You looked the same yesterday" Ban shot back


"I can't deal with this today" Diane mumbled walking off

Ban and King glared at me before following her. Why do they still pick Meliodas over me?

Diane's POV:

Ban and King followed me as I walked away from Elizabeth. We weren't nice to him as kids and that's haunted me. I don't care if he hates us. I just want to apologise.

We continued walking until we reached the outskirts of the forest. We were stopped by the Dragon that was with Meliodas.

She landed on my head and I giggled. Ban and King were shocked.

"She's cute" King mumbled reaching his hand out to pet her

He did pet her and she seemed to like it. This was amazing. An actual Dragon is here.

"Am I dreaming?" Ban asked

"If so, I'm having the same dream" I giggled

"She's adorable. I can't believe she's an actual Dragon though" King mumbled

"Neither can I. And Elizabeth called him crazy" Ban exclaimed

"If anything she's the crazy one. She's gone nuts since Meliodas left"

"Still, this is amazing" King laughed

"Wait if she's still here do you reckon Meliodas is too?" Ban asked

"I doubt it. He seemed very forward about wanting to leave" I mumbled

"But still, maybe he is"

The Dragon flew up and grabbed the sleeve of my shirt. She tried to pull me towards the woods. I looked at Ban but he shrugged. We followed her into the forest and towards a large clearing.

When we got there I couldn't believe my eyes. There was another Dragon. This time, however, it was larger. What shocked me was the fact that Meliodas was lying down on the arm of the Dragon. He looked like he was asleep until the Dragon went to move.

"Don't attack them. They're my friends" He mumbled

The Dragon then didn't move but did move his arms as if to keep Meliodas safe. I thought that was cute.

"Friends?" Ban asked

I elbowed him to make him shut up. The Baby Dragon flew over to Meliodas and lied down next to him.

Meliodas smiled and then opened his eyes and looked at us.

"Hi" He whispered

"Oh um hi" I waved

Meliodas chuckled slightly.

"You can come over. He won't attack you"

We cautiously went over and sat next to the Dragons arm. Meliodas sat up and smiled at us. I was so confused.

"I thought you were going to uh kill Goddesses" King mumbled

"I just wanted to see the look on Elizabeth's face"

"So Dragons.......two of them" Ban said

Meliodas realised what he said and then chuckled.

"Oh uh yeah. He brought me here. Said that he wanted to see how much the Human Realm has changed"

"You can actually talk to them......" I mumbled

"Yeah. This is Attor. Mana's father"

"He seems so, how do I put this, protective over you" I giggled

"He is. They consider me a part of their clan"

"You called us your friends. Why?" Ban asked

"You are aren't you?"

"I thought you hated us for what we did" I mumbled

"I did for a while but what you did was nothing compared to Elizabeth" He glared at the ground

"You really hate her don't you?" King asked

"Course I do. She practically bullied me until I was 14 and kept a huge secret from me. Heck she even tried to kill Zeldris"

"It doesn't feel like it's been three years does it?" King sighed

"It doesn't"

"Why did you come here today?" Ban asked

"Zeldris and Estarossa told me I had a wanted poster so I wanted to check it out. That and Attor wanted to come here"

"We've heard alot of rumors about you Meliodas. Most being that you've become one of the strongest members of your clan" Ban exclaimed

"Yeah. I have. Apart from my father yeah. I'm the strongest"

We were interupted when the Dragon roared. Meliodas looked back at him and nodded .

He said he had to go and then they flew off. I can't believe it.

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