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So while Kc and I were rock'n' & roll'n' in my bedroom, after our somewhat of a violent wrestling match, Mickey and Sully were out on a late night run for beer and junk food. It took them a lot longer than it should have to make it back, because of all the cops searching the entire area for the escaped convicts from the prison. It really made Sully uneasy, because he was one of the escapee's and didn't want to get caught. So as soon as they made it back to the underground safehouse, he said he was staying there and not moving until things cool off up there. I walked out of the bedroom in my jeans on but unbuttoned and unzipped and told them that things weren't gonna cool down at all, because it was me that was on the loose and it was only going to get worse, pretty soon they will have the S.W.A.T. Team, National Guard, and every abled body out there hunting for my ass.

Stoney came out of the back room and asked if I was ready to do some damage and give those pig bastards a reason for hunting me. I grinned at him devilishly as I told him I was always ready for revenge. Sully looked at me and Stoney like we were nuts, and asked if we were seriously going to go out there and go on a wild ass killing spree with all those cops surrounding the entire area. I jumped on Sully's lap and kissed him on the side of the face and told him according to my last psych evaluation I was fucking nuts. So yes I was going to go out and do what I loved and did best, no matter how dangerous it was, because the danger is what gave me the rush that I lived for.

I grabbed my boots where I kicked them off by the chair, and as I grabbed Letty's cigarette from her mouth and took a few drags of it I hollered for Kc to get her sweet 'n' sexy ass outta bed because she was doing the driving. Kc walked out of the room in her birthday suit and said she was thirsty. Stoney slapped her ass and told her she at least needed to put some pants on for the job. All the other guys were drooling at her sight, but Kc was as crazy as I was & didn't give a shit either way. Kc walked over to me as she pulled her shirt out of my back pocket and slipped it on, then took the cigarette out of my mouth and took a drag of it and stuck it back in between my lips as she asked what kind of fun did Stoney and I have in mind.

I chuckled and said I was in the mood to kill a few people, ride fast, rob a bank, get hammered and then after all the rush was over, I felt like getting laid again. Kc gave me a slight grin and said the only laying she would give me next was her fist meeting my face. I pulled her to me and roughly kissed her neck as I told her I loved it when she talked dirty to me. Then I pulled out my old heater and tucked it in my pants in the back. Then I grabbed my prize weapon, my beautiful onyx handled switchblade, my very first weapon, that I made my first kill ever with. I kept such good care of it, that it still looked like new, and still had the perfect razor sharp edge on it. Kc's weapons of choice were her throwing knives, she kept them on a belt she wore underneath her shirt, and she was a perfect marksman with those things, she could hit every vital organ in alphabetical order.

Stoney loved his rat guns, but he was a jack of all trades much like I was, we could make a weapon out of damned near anything. But Stoney's favorite weapon was his hands and his head. He was one of the rare killer's that liked using his intellect, a smart killer. Me I was more of the kill first ask later, but I was usually such a good judge of character that I always made the perfect choice for my killings. I spun around and asked if anyone else wanted to tag along and enjoy the ride, but they all said they were good for now, and just wanted to lay low for a while and let things blow over first, I blew raspberries at all of them and said I wasn't going to waste my life away down in this fucking hole while there were so much action and fun to do topside.

I jumped in the passenger seat of Kc's improved bulletproof muscle car and asked her jokingly if she still knew how to drive. As she hopped behind the wheel she said she could drive better than I did last night and still go all the way without running out of gas like I did. I loved her, she was such a crazy and wild ass bitch, and so vicious. I chuckled as I told her I didn't hear any complaints from her last night. Stoney jumped in the back seat and said that was because I had my bandanna tied around her mouth. Then he jumped up in the seat and kissed Kc on the cheek and told her to get the show on the road because none of us were getting any younger and we were wasting the night.

Kc put her pedal to the metal as we raced off thru the city, hitting all the best spots to pillage, steal and set on fire, then, of course, I couldn't call it a night without taking my revenge on the fucking pigs without killing a few people. So Kc pulled up to the police station and shot the police car all to hell, then told me my targets would be out very soon. I got out of the car and pulled my knife out and leaned up against their destroyed car and waited patiently. As three cops came out I jokingly began to sing the three little pigs, the first officer approached me thinking that I was just a drunk punk, and tried manhandling me, I took him and hurled his ass thru the windshield, crushing his face. The second cop rushed me with his bastard beater as I called it, and came swinging.

I flipped my knife open and after beating on him a few times I gave my knife a quick slicing motion and cut his throat from ear to ear. On the final cop that was quite the coward, began to run away, I actually had to chase him down before he called in reinforcements, grabbed the nearest item I could find which was a brick and beat his brains out, then I went back to cop #2 and pulled my knife out of his neck and slid back in the car and told Kc I was satisfied for the moment, now that the car was full of stolen money, goods, and beer, and I got to destroy some shit, and now we had three fewer cops to worry about. Kc grabbed me and kissed me, as she told me she loved it when I showed her a good time, then she headed back to the safehouse, with Stoney in the back getting a headstart on the booze.

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