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The next morning when I woke up, Kc was nowhere to be seen, and Stoney was laying right next to me with his arm wrapped around me. I slid out from under him and jokingly told him he was hugging the wrong bitch. Stoney opened his eyes and told me that he made everyone his bitch, then he kissed me on the forehead and asked where Kitten scampered off to because he was getting lonely with just my ass laying next to him. I slipped on my jeans and headed to the fridge. Stoney rolled over to the nightstand and grabbed his pack of cigarettes from the drawer and lit one up and took a few drags, as he hollered out and asked if I found her yet, I hollered back at him and asked him why in the hell would she be in the fridge!

I looked around and asked everyone that was up and moving around the safehouse if they have seen Kc running around, but they all quickly shook their heads no and went back to what they were doing. I stuck my head in the bedroom door and told him that she wasn't here at all, I slid my shirt on as I told him I needed to go see where she ran off too. Stoney reached out and hurled my ass in the bed and told me that it wasn't a good idea because the cops were still smoking hot out there in pursuit of looking for me. I put my leather jacket on and told him that I had to find my sexy bitch before she got into trouble without me. 

I looked at the car, then I turned slightly to the left and saw my old Harley Davidson motorcycle, I gave a wicked grin and said I haven't spun the treads on my bike in years. I started that bad boy up and pulled out, and headed on the city streets just having a blast in some old-fashioned joyriding while searching for my baby at the same time. Stoney finished his cigarette then stepped out in his underwear to grab a bite to eat. Meanwhile, I was looking crazily for my crazy baby wondering why she split on us this morning. When I noticed an entire swarm of cops with sirens blasting and people gathering all around in one spot. I stood up on my motorcycle seat as I had a cherry sucker sticking out of my lips, trying to get a better look at what all the commotion was about.

I slowly rolled up closer, and took a better look and noticed it was the two young pricks that Stoney brought in the other day. I slid past them on my bike and took one more look just to see how badly Andy and Ashley were fucked up. Right when I got a very close up look, I knew right off that my baby went wild because it was her handy work. I chuckled to myself and wondered what they did to rile her so badly. I sped off like a speed demon now wondering if the cops saw her do it and if she was in danger, so I could save my bitch before anything too drastic happened to her.

I hated it when I was right all the time, for Kc was on the run with three squad cars hot on her heels, the only bad thing was she didn't have her car, she was on foot. I revved up my motorcycle engine, as I gave a sigh and told her I was coming for her. I raced out on the main road of the city streets where she was currently running away from the cops. As I got right behind the cops I did a pop-a-wheelie and drove right in between them and rode up right beside Kc and wildly grabbed her by her waist and hauled her ass on the bike in front of me, as I told her she was always needing my ass to get her out of trouble. Then I flipped the cops off and sped up even faster, that's when the cops realized who I was, and the chase became very aggressive, Kc held on to me at first I thought she was being a little sexual with me from all the excitement from the chase, but she was just reaching for my two heaters I had crammed in my pants.

Then she jumped behind me where she was sitting backward facing the cops that were shooting at us. She gave them a devilish grin and cocked both my pieces and began shooting at them. Man did she know how to turn me on full throttle! I kicked up the speed a little more as the cops were getting further behind us, I looked back for a moment and asked if she was actually hitting anything. She laughed and said she wasn't aiming for the vehicles, she was aiming for the pigs inside the vehicles and I was making it a little difficult to aim by my reckless driving and side to side swiping. I chuckled as I spun the bike on a dime and told her to give me one of my guns. Then together we were now riding straight toward the cops, Kc and I both began shooting, and as I rode in between the vehicles we each took one shot thru the windows and hit our targets at point blank range. Then I slowed down and took the back alleys and gave them a round & round until the cops had no idea which way I went. After losing them, I took us both back to the hideout.

Right when I shut off my bike that was now smoking hot from all the fast and trick riding I was doing, I pulled my baby off the back and rammed my tongue down her throat and asked her what in the hell was her current killing spree all about, that made me have to rescue her sexy ass. Kc handed me the two devices that were implanted in the two now deceased punks we gave sanctuary to, then she told me that no sooner than they got turned loose, they went straight to the cops because she kept her eye on them with the tracking devices, and it showed them exactly where they went and how long they stayed there. Then she kissed my neck and said that's why she killed them, then she added if she would have found the other girl that was with them, she would have killed her ass too. Then she slowly looked right where Ronnie and his sister Rachel were sitting.

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