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Well, at least I thought we were heading back to the safehouse, that was until Stoney hollered at Kc to do a U-turn because he wanted some takeout, and Betty's Diner was open all day and nite. I spun around in the seat and told him we weren't even close to the house yet and he was already plastered. I jumped in the backseat with him and told him he better not have drunk all of the beer because half of it was supposed to be mine. Stoney just chuckled and told Kc that after the diner, she needed to make another robbing stop at the liquor store, because he drank all the booze and I wanted some too. Kc gave a slight sigh and said she was supposed to be the getaway driver, not a fucking chauffeur, then she jumped out of the driver's seat and said she was going back to the safehouse and that we could find our own way home.

I jumped out of the car and grabbed her and told her that she can't leave us behind and that Stoney couldn't drive because he was plastered. Kc looked at me and rolled her eyes at me, and said ordering takeout, and robbing from a liquor store wasn't exactly her idea of fun, that it was just child's play. I gave her a snuggling hug and stuck out my bottom lip, and asked her to please drive us back to the safehouse after we get the booze because we couldn't have any kind of party without some soda pop. Kc finally gave in and got back behind the wheel, only to look out and see Stoney making fun of and talking to the Betty Boop machine in front of the diner, then put his finger on her nipple while speaking thru the mic ordering enough food for an entire army.

I stayed in the car, while Kc hopped back out and pulled Stoney away from the Betty Boop machine while telling him that she didn't think Betty was attracted to him at all and he needed to pick another female to chat with. We waited for 10 minutes, then a lady came out and handed us all the food, and said that would be $42.00 even. Kc had her sunglasses on and said she didn't have any cash, then she turned away for a moment and asked her what she thought about getting paid in hot lead, then she shot her full of holes with her little gun that had her silencer screwed on it to make it a quiet killer. I pulled her to me and rammed my tongue down her throat and told her I loved her ass.

Kc just nodded her head slightly, then peeled out of the driveway and headed to the entrance of the safehouse. After I got out and drug Stoney's drunk ass out of the back seat, Kc hopped out and tossed all the food on the table and told our family group to dig in, then she went back to her car and pushed a button on her remote keychain, and the color of her car magically changed from light blue to hunter green, and her license plate flipped around, and it had a new license number on it. I looked at her as I told her that was a very nice detail job she did on her car. She grabbed the beer from the back seat and said it was her way of getting away on the driving jobs because her car would never be the description of the getaway car they were after, plus if anyone ever took her license plate number down, they wouldn't ever match because she has too many to interchange them with.

I pulled her into my arms, and laid another kiss on her, and asked her very sexually what else could she do, because there was nothing better or more satisfying than have a long night of sex after killing people, and getting away with it, it was such a turn on for me especially when she was doing the driving. Kc, however, was always catching me off guard, usually, when I wanted her to lay me, she would try to violently knock my ass out, but this time she grabbed me and pushed me on the bed and attacked me like a wildcat does its prey. I guess the killings we both did really turn her on as well because she rode my ass like donkey kong. She was a maniac in the sack when she wanted to be, and boy did she want it this time. After she wore my ass out and I was snoozing away underneath her, Stoney came in wanting a little attention himself, because Letty got tired of waiting for him and decided to sleep with one of the other brothers that were down there, so she gladly took care of him too, and for the first time since the beginning the three amigos were back in the saddle together again.

I woke up around three that morning to find not only Kc wrapped around me but Stoney was wrapped around me too, we were all intertwined with each other, I snickered to myself and said there was no way it could get any better than this. I pulled the covers over all of us, and snuggled back down with both of them and went back to sleep, knowing everything was going to get better from here on out, as long as none of us got caught. Stoney woke up first around 10 that morning from Sully shaking the shit out of him telling him that someone was trying to get into the safehouse.

Stoney flew out of the bed forgetting all about Kc and me wrapped around him and half-ass drug us out of the bed too. I looked over at him as I said what the hell dude, he snickered devilishly as he apologized then streaked thru the safehouse to his control desk where he had all of his hi-tech electronics and began tapping on the keyboard like it was going out of style. Then he turned on the monitors and showed us who was at the door trying to figure out how to get in. He spun in the chair and told us all to calm down, that it wasn't the Fuzz, that it was just a few punks trying to get away from some donut eating local cops probably from robbing a candy store or keying their squad car.

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